
  • Happy Monkey year, Bonnie Monkey!

    Generally speaking, the "real" and best Chinese astrology tends to have been kept between the Chinese people and/or between Chinese American people. There are more ancient books on Chinese astrology (all in Chinese, of course) than in any other language or culture. Perhaps the significant commerce and culture interaction might change that somewhat, but on the other hand, the can't-really-trust-each other political and economic dynamics will probably keep the best Chinese astrology secrets secret, as well as any that astrology related to deep spiritual dimensions.

    There is, however,some wonderful sharing of Chinese astrology related to Oriental medicine. For instance, there is in Portland, Oregon a Caucasian male Doctor and Teacher of Oriental medicine named (I'm not making this up) Doctor Quinn who is brilliant with his application of Chinese astrology with his healing practice. I meet "Quinn" when he sponsored a weekend on dreams with Jeremy Taylor --- what an awesome and complimentary duo! Quinn now integrates Jeremy's dream wisdom into his practice.

    Meanwhile, in the realm of accessible (online) Chinese Astrology, there is an assumed entirely ego-based superficial Chinese astrology, analogous to little more than than Western astrology's Sun Sign astrology.For example, at that level,  the year for a Monkey born as a Monkey is supposed to be a "watch it" year, because it is assumed that the ever mentally quick, intelligent Monkey will be constantly threatened by some equally clever other, especially if that other is also a Monkey. Personally, I think that consciousness matters, and also that we can know a lot about any Chinese Zodiac animal by knowing about that species.

    There is a myriad variety of very colorfully beautiful, very different from other varieties, different in their habitats, etc. Monkeys behavior, like their human-like counterparts, can be most dear and tender to one another (mutual grooming for instance), as well as their mischievous Mercurial Trickster qualities. That said, I believe that the potential for all of us this year, not just monkeys, is to co-create community at whatever is the mutual level of consciousness. For example, I assume that you've heard the story of "the 100th monkey." In circles devoted to consciousness, like DPA, the potential is inspiring. 

    Since this is specifically a Red Fire Monkey year, it is a year for the expression of bold, dramatic and entertaining perspectives. Personally, for example, I'd hope to have launched a somewhat long, and I think fun and hopefully truth-in-humor piece earlier today, but it's not yet associated with a URL. This is a year to "mess with the status quo," but in a benign and playful way, because the activist "monkey" has a longing for new community comradery. However if too much ego in one evokes too much ego in another, monkeys have been known to 'fling" poop at one another, in a manner that is merely outrageously playful or in a manner that is absolutely ugly and hateful. The human metaphor is no doubt self-evident.

    This is a year for flamboyant dress for those who can "pull it off" (or "put it on"), stylistic self expression of ideas, particularly in regard to positive human community relatedness, humor, dance, and much more.   

    The plain gray people may particularly dislike this year, seeing more than enough of one or more flamboyant "assholes" (think what shows underneath the tail of a traditional "sock monkey.") In regard to personal stylistic differences with the current political candidate personalities, there is likely to be an even more pronounced "love 'em or hate 'em" polarity.

    Wishing you an interesting, fun, meaningful and happy year,

    Dale (from the Year of the Metal Rabbit = the "energizer" bunny)

  • As a monkey myself— I'm ready to hear what you've got, Dale. Bring it on! 

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