Current New Member Profile Questions as of 2/24/13

Hi everyone, 

At some point soon we will want to discuss and modify these questions posed to new potential members wanting to sign up.

Four of the ten--#1 (Name), 2 (Areas of Interest), #7 (How did you hear about the Alliance), and #8 (What drew you to join the Alliance and what do you see as your contribution) are required. The rest are not.

I'm posting this for your review and we can start the discussion in the Board meeting and then continue here as we we go along.


Current Profile Questions as of 2/24/13


1) First, please be sure to sign up with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST so that we can interact with each other on a more personal and informal basis in the community. This is important for all of us in maintaining this site as a safe and comfortable space for all our members. If you do not submit using your first and last names, we will ask that you resubmit your application. Depth Psychology Alliance is not a passive impersonal organization but rather seeks to be a dynamic, sacred space in which individuals interested in the deepest mysteries and longings of soul can come together to share and learn from each other's experiences. We are proud of being a global community. Where are you located geographically--City & State, or City & Country? *



2) What are your main areas of interest? *


Jungian Psychology    Archetypal Psychology    Mythology    Ecopsychology    Liberation Psychology    Somatic Psychology    Transpersonal Psych    Other



3) Do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?


In progress  M.A.    PhD  Jungian    Other type of Psychology    No    Other degree not listed here      If so, from what institution?


4) Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?


5) What other topics are you interested in?


Ecopsychology              Active Imagination              Dreamwork                          Art              Movement              Shamanism  Astrology              Holotropic Breathwork              Rebirthing              Gestalt              Constellation Therapy              Light Body              Other



6)  What draws you to Depth Psychology and what benefits do you expect to gain from being part of this community? *



7)  How did you hear about Depth Psychology Alliance? *


friend or colleague              web search              Twitter              Facebook              Linked-In              search engine ad             referral from a friend              psychology or related organization              Jungian Institute or Org              educational institution              Assisi Institute              Jung Platform              Shrink Rap Radio              flyer at an event             Newsletter "The Buzz"              direct email                          Depth Insights Scholarly Ezine


8)  What drew you to join the Alliance and what do you foresee as your contribution to this community?


9)  Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?


10)  What is your WEB SITE address (IF you would like to promote it)?



If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here

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