ecopsychology (31)



"Scientific study, cognitive behavioral techniques, self-help books, and political action will not do the trick. We will not achieve the fundamental level of change and understanding that is called for unless the archetypal, transcendent, sacred and mythical dimension of the psyche is engaged. The sense of the sacred Carl Sagan saw as necessary to save the environment will not be developed. Our educational systems will not be able to teach from a deep, holistic, integrated perspective unless the

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The Cry of Merlin



June 27, 2012

News Release - Just Published by Fisher King Press

The Cry of Merlin: 
Jung, the Prototypical Ecopsychologist
The Dairy Farmer's Guide to the Universe Volume II
by Dennis L. Merritt

Carl Jung can be seen as the prototypical ecopsychologist. Volume II of The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe explores how Jung’s life and times created the context for the ecological nature of Jungian ideas.  It is an ecopsychological exercise to delineate the many dimensions of Jung’s life that contrib
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Not long ago I was walking on a cliff trail in Santa Cruz overlooking the Monterey Bay.  It was a quiet Monday morning and I heard a strangely familiar sound from long ago.  I looked out over the bay and saw four Tundra swans flying over the bay heading west to an unknown location.  The Tundra swan has a low, whistling, plaintive song that is not easily mistaken.  What are they doing here, I thought?   I was born on the Northern prairies in the middle of the country, and these swans traditionall

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We are in an interesting juncture as I write this, a liminal space which is the day between “Earth” Day when we remember the divine feminine archetype we call the “Mother”--and Easter, a day inimitably dedicated to honoring the divine masculine that inhabits our universe. In this time between the two, this powerful threshold where both archetypal energies are alive and engaged, when the focus is on the devastation to our precious earth and on the resurrection of Christ, the savior of humanity, t
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article by Dennis Merritt

One of Jung’s biggest challenges to modern men and women from an ecopsychological perspective is to unite our cultured side with what he called “the two million-year-old man within.” The “indigenous one within” is a person living in a sacred and symbolic relationship with nature, in a world where “we are all related”—the two-leggeds, four-leggeds, six-leggeds, etc. To understand Jung’s challenge, we begin by looking at our Western indigenous roots and the evolution of th
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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams,Archetypes, Symbols 

Individuation: The Process of a Lifetime: Jung defined it as "the process by which a person becomes an "in-dividual…”

Book review: What Story Are You Living? By Carol Pearson and Hugh Marr> Are all stories are derived from archetypes?

Depth Psychology and Myths Today: The mystery that surrounds us feeds the myths we make

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In the same measure as the conscious attitude may pride itself on a certain godlikeness
by reason of its lofty and absolute standpoint, an unconscious attitude develops with a
godlikeness oriented downwards to an archaic god whose nature is sensual and brutal.
--CG Jung, Psychological Types

Fight the big corporations. Kill the multinationals. Break up theconglomerates and the consortiums. The problem of how to do thatpreoccupies more and more of us as helicopters hired with oil moneydrive nativ

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Carl Jung & Jungian Topics: Dreams, Archetypes, and Symbols

Dreamwork as a rewarding spiritual practice by Jean Raffa:

Before the Meyers-Brigg (MBTI) Jung developed personality typologies. What’s yours? Free online test:

Vampires embody all aspects of the darker side of human nature. It’s what Freud called the Id and Carl Jung called the Shadow:

Carl Jung’s ideas on the f

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Depth Psychology is the study of the Unconscious, an inquiry into what we don’t know by looking at how psyche emerges in symbols, mythology, art, & dreams and how we live out the repressed, the silenced, & the marginalized in our personal lives and in the culture at hand. It explores our relationship to soul, and includes ideas from anthropology, cross-cultural studies, ecology, philosophy, theology, indigenous cultures, the arts, and more. Early pioneers of the field are Sigmund Freud and Carl

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What is Deep Education?

What is Deep Education?

by Craig Chalquist, PhD


Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.
-- John Dewey

I am English by birth, but I am Early World Man. And I live in exile from the world community of my desire.
-- H. G. Wells

What if, as depth psychologically-minded cultural workers, we labored against falsely separating the processes of individuation from those of liberation? 
--Mary Watkins and Helene Shulman


Some years back I began to realize that all my efforts as

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