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Part One

Their strictly Puritanical origin, their exclusively commercial habits, even the country they inhabit, which seems to divert their minds from the pursuit of science, literature, and the arts…a thousand special causes…have singularly concurred to fix the mind of the American upon purely practical objects. – Alexis De Tocqueville

More than any other people on Earth, we bear burdens and accept risks unprecedented in their size and their duration, not for ourselves alone but for all who wish

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Part One

Their strictly Puritanical origin, their exclusively commercial habits, even the country they inhabit, which seems to divert their minds from the pursuit of science, literature, and the arts…a thousand special causes…have singularly concurred to fix the mind of the American upon purely practical objects. – Alexis De Tocqueville

More than any other people on Earth, we bear burdens and accept risks unprecedented in their size and their duration, not for ourselves alone but for all who wish

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…this is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of

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Part One

A dancer dies twice – once when they stop dancing, and this first death is the more painful. – Martha Graham

The 2010 film Black Swan is a deeply wise and convincing psychological account of the inner journey required of the ballerina protagonist in order to fully embody the dual female lead roles in a production of Swan Lake.

In Tchaikovsky’s original 1877 ballet, an evil sorcerer has condemned Princess Odette to live as a white swan during the day. Only at night, by the side of an enchan

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Have you had meaningful experiences with images or coincidences since losing a loved one in the last 6 to 12 months? Please consider participating in this study investigating the meaning of significant images, symbols, and coincidences in grieving experiences. This is a dissertation study conducted by Ashley Simons for a doctorate in psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, supervised by Kesstan Blandin, PhD. Inclusion criteria: 1) 18 yrs. old or older; 2) loss of loved one 6 to 12 months ago;

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Part Five

Historian Milton Viorst writes that the theme of the 1950s was “security: internal security (McCarthy), international security (massive retaliation), personal security (careerism). And yet no one felt secure.”mccarthy_cohn_ap_img.jpg?w=209&h=132&profile=RESIZE_710x Other factors would come later: Civil Rights and Viet Nam, which provided the focus for dissent; and the birth control pill, which allowed women independent sex lives.

Another factor had always existed: the need to identify as an initiatory group, to go through the rites of passage

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Part One

For where there is dance, there also is the Devil.  – St. John Chrysostom

Bobo-malay, shushu maya (Lord, make this body dance!) – Dagara, West Africa

The Greek word xenos means both “stranger” (as in xenophobia) and “guest.” This etymological twist lies at the root of a profound mystery. As Carl Jung taught us, the repressed or marginalized parts of our souls and our culture desire to return home – and they warn of the long-term consequences of not being welcomed back out of the shadows in

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Individual, Private + Secure Online + Phone Support for Critical Care Nurses  


MOT ©™ is pleased to announce the opening, registration and wait list for 12 nurses providing COVID-19 critical care during this pandemic.  

This 2 year service commitment with 3 month terms:

  • 2020 - May to July; August to Oct; Nov, Dec to Jan 2021
  • 2021 - Feb to April, May to July, Aug to Oct 
  • 2022 - Nov 2021 to Jan 2022  

Service Offerings: 3 month terms:

  • On-Call Individual 1:1 phone crisis debriefing, decompression
  • 24/7 Priv
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9142473481?profile=original Images of new coronavirus just released

By Yasemin Saplakoglu - Staff Writer February 13, 2020

This scanning electron microscope image shows the new coronavirus (yellow) among human cells (blue, pink and purple). (Color has been added to the image to better show the virus and its environment.) (Image credit: NIAID-RML).  Published in

Matrix of Trauma/MOT is pleased to announce that Linda in Alberta, Canada and Darlene on Big Island, Hawaii will co-lead a private, closed small group

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Feel the Hope

As a psychologist in training, I remember a deeply nourishing exchange with a supervisor that kindled my understanding of hope and healing. “Healing calls for hope. As a therapist, you’ve got to feel it for the patient. If you don’t, it would be best to refer them to someone you feel might be better for them. Maybe they simply would benefit from medication or need a neurological workup. Not everyone is ready for or needs therapy. But, if they come your way, check in with your feeling of hope. Is

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This is the second of two blogs that address the coronavirus pandemic.

I’m going out very little during the coronavirus pandemic, while also taking time to stay connected—at a distance—with family, friends, and colleagues. It is so important in these times that people are not isolated. Simultaneously, I am working to use this quiet time for reflection rather than giving in to worry or annoyance. I’m sheltering in place, while grateful for all the people in the medical fields, those getting food a

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This is the first of two blogs that address the coronavirus pandemic.

All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.

W. H. Auden, September 1, 1939

Jesus said we must love one another as ourselves and that would be the doorway into experiencing th

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Wanted to share some of the learnings that have been coming up in Doorway sessions with my clients about the covid19 pandemic... I made a little 5 minute video of the ways my clients (and all of us) are being tested by the Deep Creative. We're clearly being asked to shift into our true power now. Here's the link:

By the way, my next online experiential event starts April 10th. Please join us!  Click here for info: http://www.depthpsychol

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Last fall was the first time I heard it.

A very clear, calm, inner voice said, “Don’t worry Kim, you’re going to be fine.”

I have heard that voice every day since. And although I work with the Other side, at first I had no idea WHY I was being constantly reassured.

Of course, now I know why I heard the voice.

And because this voice had been so consistent and relentless, when Covid 19 first broke out in China, I knew it was serious. I realized immediately that I needed to take extra precautions… and

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9142474253?profile=originalA common and compelling component of both shamanism and Jungian or depth psychology is that each seeks to treat soul loss by retrieving and reintegrating vital essence that is missing. This must occur through direct experience; therefore, the underworld journey to retrieve the soul is one of necessity and initiation.

Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung believed symptoms of soul loss, such as disorientation, lack of focus, or feelings of powerlessness, exist because a portion of psychic energy that is n

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The C.G. Jung Club of Orange County is extremely sorry to have to cancel the Michael Meade conference Awakening the Soul which was previously announced for March 28, 2020. Michael lives in the Seattle area, not far from Kirkland, the current epicenter of coronavirus cases in the US. Out of caution for all involved, Michael has made the difficult decision to postpone all travel and event plans through June. This decision follows the recommendations from King County Public Health to limit unnecess

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What It Takes To Change


Change takes time, months, and years or can happen instantly. It depends on where we are in life. Everyone says they want to heal and change, but the real thing, the stuff of true wholeness, requires a deep breath and a plunge. So, it’s frightening—easy to say, mind-shattering to engage.

A patient reported the following dream. “I was standing on the edge of a cliff. It was a drop down to the ocean. I wasn’t afraid. But I was. The roar of the ocean, winds sweeping across my body, and I teetered. I

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