Introduction to Jungian Psychology—90-minute class with Dr. James Newell

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This class, "Intro to Jungian Psychology” is led by educator and scholar, Dr. James Newell, in advance of an 8-week online college level course in Jungian psychology, hosted by Depth Psychology Alliance. Includes a short introduction by Bonnie Bright, founder of Depth Psychology Alliance.Learn about the ego and the Self, complexes, the collective unconscious, the persona and shadow, archetypes, and the anima and animus, among other concepts from Swiss psychiatrist C.G. Jung who was one of the pioneers—along with Sigmund Freud, Eugene Bleuler, and others—of modern day depth psychology.Participants who successfully complete assignments in the online learning platform receive a certificate of completion for use towards future certification in depth psychology through the Depth Psychology Alliance.The course begins October 1.DETAILS at on Facebook at for the 8-week online course, starting October 1, 2016: may also want to watch an interview with Dr. Newell and Bonnie Bright on "Jung, the Arts, and Spirituality":

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  • Publisher
    Great video, Bonnie! I will share it with my Carl Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group, which is currently in its 10th week. Our effort is much more loosey goosey than than what a professional therapist like James can provide, but is intended for individual laymen, who are not seeking to become professional therapists. Surprisingly, it has attracted 5 professional therapists from other traditions.
  • Thank you, Bonnie! I'm so happy and blessed to have found you all.

  • Excellent, Portia. Congratulations on following your gut and finding a way to delve into the learning in a way that works for you! I know you will learn a tremendous amount under the expertise of Dr. Newell. And have fun too!

  • Thank you for this course. I have signed up for the 8-week course. I have long been an admirer of Jung's work and am delighted to have found a place to learn more. I have worked as a teacher and nonprofit professional, and, now at midlife, I am seeking to transition into counseling. I was accepted into a MSW program, but had to postpone it for a few years. It gives me time to study and prepare more for when the opportunity comes again.
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