The Use of Active Imagination in Jungian Analysis - from Asheville Jung Center

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Dr. Murray Stein & Dr. Paul Brutsche, renowned Jungian analysts from Zurich, conclude the final seminar in a four part series entitled "The 4 Pillars of Jung...

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  • Hi Bob and Linda: Since the video came from Asheville Jung Center and since they have put out other videos with Murray Stein, I'm thinking it's probably available through them. I just spent a few minutes looking through their site ( but wasn't able to find it. You might try emailing them to ask at They have many other great offerings as well.

  • HI Bonnie  -thank you also for the video can I purchase this video from somewhere? or have access to it?

  • Hi Bonnie - thank you for this video and is there anyway to see the remainder of this conversation beyond the doctors last comment "try to slow this down"  Regards Linda

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