Education Institution
  • Nov 29, 2012 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
  • Location: online or on the phone
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

"Whoever speaks in primordial images speaks with a thousand voices; he enthralls and overpowers ... he transmutes our personal destiny into the destiny of mankind, and evokes in us all those beneficent forces that ever and anon have enabled humanity to find a refuge from every peril and to outlive the longest night." - C.G. Jung

In his free teleseminar, Dr. Michael Conforti will introduce the theme for the 2013 Assisi conference and provide details about the conference experience. Join us!

There are times in our life when the vistas of all that we love, are blurred, when those arms we long to rest in seem ever so far away, and the passion that we have felt, is suddenly absent. It is in these moments that we may feel that the Gods have grown silent. 

It may be a serious illness, a loss of a loved one, of a personal Dark Night of the Soul, that creates this estrangement from soul and Self, and this darkening which the alchemists refer to as the Nigredo. It is those moments where meaning seems lost and the darkness of despair threatens to engulf us that try our souls. Yet, as Jung alludes, there is still a voice calling out to us in the darkness, words of primordial wisdom which, if we are able to hear them, will give us a "place of refuge" and the strength to "outlive the longest night."

From the mystics, the alchemist and from Jung, we learn that it may only be through an experience of this darkening that we can find our way to transcendence, and a re-connection to what is good within the world and within the psyche.

The 2013 conference will take an in-depth look at how it is that we can recover our sense of vitality and meaning in the world, through our dreams, creativity and relationships, and find a way to live with and live through those challenges.

To LEARN MORE about the 2013 conference, click here.

To REGISTER, or attend this FREE INTRODUCTORY teleseminar about the conference and conference theme on November 29, 2012 (8pm ET) call (802) 254-6220 or email

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  • For those who couldn't make this event "live", you can listen to the archived file here

  • Hello Dr. Conforti.  I am currently studying at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and just finished reading Field, Form, and Fate.  Outstanding book!  I look forward to meeting you.  I will not be able to be on the call tomorrow night, but I am registering so that I can listen to the recording and hear more about the 2013 conference.  Sending my email address separately as requested.

  • Education Institution

    Hi Everyone!

    We are very excited about how excited you all are for the complimentary seminar tomorrow night, November 29th at 8 pm EST, and hope you all will join us for an engaging journey of, When the Gods are Silent: Awakening to the Voice of Meaning and Healing.  

    If you would like to join us (we would love to welcome you) please send an email to me at                    with your email address, without this information I won't be able to send you the call in phone number and replay link.  

    Also, please reference the Depth Psychology Alliance as your referral.  Thank you everyone!


  • Good morning - I have a prior engagement, however and thanks to Bonnie, I am registering in order to be able to listen to this teleseminar, as suggested by Bonnie's email today.  Thanks Bonnie.  Regards Linda 

  • Education Institution

    Thanks for your comment, Dora. I look forward to engaging with all of you for this exciting seminar on Thursday!

  • Iso look forward to getting some good "food" for the soul from this seminar offered by Dr. Conforti!

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