• Aug 7, 2014 from 2:00am to 3:30am PDT
  • Location: online - Time listed is PDT
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Stillpointspaces is sponsoring a four-part series on the nature of dreams.

The first three parts, on the objective nature of Psyche and images, on the structure of dreams and the nature of archetypal fields as they appear in dreams are available.

Join me for the last session on August 7 with an exploration of ego development and dream images.  The webinar is live and invites participation and all sessions are available to listen to afterwards. 

Click HERE for info and to listen to the previous sessions with Silvia

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  • Thank you for your gracious understanding.  And the two year seems more apt to me too! 

  • I agree completely in regard to technology. Computers are still in their infancy really. Or maybe the terrible twos is a more apt comparison.
  • I am sorry you were not able to get on, but it did take place and is recorded.  I don't think you did anything wrong, the problem was more than likely with the platform not showing the administrator that you were waiting to be let in.  I am always so grateful and at the same time so frustrated by technology.  Again, I apologize for any inconvenience, I was not able to see your message until just now. 

  • Hi Silvia, Is the meeting this week a go? I'm waiting to et into the meeting and it 9:08. Am I doing something wrong?

  • I am so sorry about the confusion of time, the webinar is from 9 am Pacific time to 10:30.  I look forward to your participation!

  • I really enjoyed listening to the first two recorded sessions. Looking forward to being able to participate next week on the live webinar.
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