Depth Psychology General (1617)

“The Compost Pile Prayer - A Modern Symbol for Community, Cosmic Christ, and Eternity” – “Permaculture Myth #103” by Mythologist Willi Paul /

“The Compost Pile Prayer - A Modern Symbol for Community, Cosmic Christ, and Eternity” – “Permaculture Myth #103” by Mythologist Willi Paul /

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( ii )

we are the soil
we are the seeds
we are the teeth and bones
we are the compo

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“The Holy, the Wild, and the Emergent” - Interview with Abby Colehour in Celebration of the 2017 Kindle Cascadia Winter Solstice Gathering, Aprovecho, Cottage Grove, OR. Dec. 18 – 22

“The Holy, the Wild, and the Emergent” - Interview with Abby Colehour in Celebration of the 2017 Kindle Cascadia Winter Solstice Gathering, Aprovecho, Cottage Grove, OR. Dec. 18 – 22. By willi paul studio /

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The Winter S

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“Preparing for the Inevitable: Thoughts on the Coming Crises and How to Intelligently Prepare” - Interview with Co-Presenter Robert Bolman by Willi Paul. At Dharmalaya, Eugene, OR. March 18, 7:00 pm.

“Preparing for the Inevitable: Thoughts on the Coming Crises and How to Intelligently Prepare” - Interview with Co-Presenter Robert Bolman

by Willi Paul. At Dharmalaya, Eugene, OR. March 18, 7:00 pm.

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... teetering between hope and apoca

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