What is the top-selling prescription drug in the US? Nope, it’s not Viagra, not Prozac, forget the Percocet. If you don't know, take a peek in the medicine cabinet because there’s a high chance it’s lurking in there, right behind that purple people eater. Yes, you got it. The top-selling drug in the Land of the Free and Disturbed is an antipsychotic, happily named Abilify.
Once again: The top-selling drug in America is an antipsychotic. Now some might say that’s mental.
Every picture tells a story. These pictures of the drug addled coming out of the closet and showing how cool it is to consume anti depressants et al is sick. It looks to be a copy of the pro smoking advertising campaign run out of the freudian camp toward the middle of the last century
#MedicatedAndMighty: Corniest. Hashtag. Ever.
Knowing how critical of James Hillman you are I bet you could think up equally corny hashtags for the archetypal psychology fans here on the alliance. #MyMedicalIsAlchemical. #DaimonsBeforeDrugs. #PhenomenologyPharmacology. #AnimaMundiJunkie. #ProzacIsPromethean.