Craving a retreat? Here are two last-minute offers if you happen to have the dates available:

1) Partial scholarship now available for a Jungian-oriented retreat for women in NC, October 19-21. This is for a partial scholarship available for someone with limited funds who is “doing good work in the world."Details here:

Call Chelsea Wakefield if you're interested: 828-606-9469

2) Last-minute spots for "Nature, Soul, and Soma" with Jamie McHugh, RSMT & Jan Edl Stein, MFT starts THIS Thursday, October 11 at 4pm on the Mendocino Coast in CA and runs through October 14 at 1pm. 
Discounts are being made available to the depth psychology community at a total cost of $250 for the entire event, and room and board (shared room only). This is essentially at their cost. Details here:
If you are interested, email Jan at

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