Hi everyone,
How can a smartphone help pollinate depth psychology in the world? Would you like to be part of a new way to get depth psychology content? I'm starting to use Periscope to live broadcast video from depth events I attend--it could be excerpts from presentations, quick informal interviews, tours of a specific place, seeing/meeting people, etc.,
If you’re not aware, Periscope is a live video mobile broadcast platform. You can broadcast live using your smartphone from where ever you are—or you can follow others (ME!) who are broadcasting occasionally by getting notified when they are broadcasting. (See more here: https://www.periscope.tv )
I need to test this out with people I trust, so wanted to invite you as an Alliance member to follow me if you’re willing.
All you need to do is:
1. Download the Periscope app on your smartphone.
2. Find me and follow me: bonniebright5
If you do join a live broadcast I do, you can always type me a text chat message while you’re there. I’ll see you join. You can also send “love” to whomever is broadcasting by clicking on the right side of your screen during the broadcast. Clicking there generates hearts and snowflakes that indicate appreciation for what’s going on on the screen. The more you tap, the more you generate hearts. Try it one day! It’s fun.
You can also find others to follow: I often tune in to a guy in the L.A. area who broadcasts live acoustic guitar almost every night.
For my part, I’m hoping to broadcast some of the events and people around Pacifica’s "Coming Home" event that I'm emceeing this week/weekend. But—there will be other future events that will be exciting to put out there too so this way, you won't miss out.
Join me in an exciting new way to extend depth psychology into the world!
In soul,
Bonnie Bright
Founder, Depth Psychology Alliance
Founder, Depth Psychology Alliance