Introducing Myself

Hello everyone,

I am a new member of the community here. I am excited to find such a vibrant community of like-minded individuals on the web!

Here is a film I made which may serve as an introduction of sorts. This film incorporates Jungian thought with Deleuze, Lacan and others:

I enjoy "pure" Jungian hermeneutics but I have also been trying to bridge the thought of Jung with other theorists. I really like the question "where does Jung fit in with contintental theory" which was posed on Quora: ... I think it is a good question and one that needs to be explored more. I would like to work on incorporating Jungian thought with others like Deleuze and Lacan. There are a lot of compatabilities despite their seeming differences. 

About me:
I am a 29-year-old living in Seattle who has been into Jung for about 15 years now. I think when I first got into it, I didn't know what I was getting into, but it spoke to me at some core level. Of course, I have not started "really getting it" until recently (and maybe in a few years, I'll say the same thing!). But I do think there is something like a subjective destitution experience we all have to go through to "get" Jungian thought at a visceral level, which for me wasn't until relatively recently.

I am also a huge fan of von Franz, Hillman, Edinger, Tarnas and others. My favorite Jung is the alchemical stuff. Von Franz's "Aurora Consurgens" is one I keep returning to. 

Besides Jungian thought, I am also really into Lacan, Deleuze, Bergson and other philosophers and theorists. I recently enjoyed Christian Kerslake's DELEUZE AND THE UNCONSCIOUS (2007) which ties together Deleuze, Jung and Bergson. I am also into the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and the work of Charles Peirce.

On a personal level, I was born during a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (0.04' exactitude) so I've been having a field day during this 2011-2015 Pluto-Uranus hard-angle transit. As Von Franz tells us, Jupiter-Uranus people have a tendency towards narcissism and the puer aeternus complex. Lo and behold, I have struggled with the puer aeternus complex for much of my life and it still informs my experience at some level. My personality type is introverted intuitive dominant. (I test as INTJ on Myers-Briggs type indicator tests).

You can read some essays I have written here:

Looking forward to meeting some of you and getting involved in the discourse here.


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