
 No but this is interesting nevertheless


New Life On Earth Discovered That Lives Off Of Pure Energy


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

A new type of bacteria unlike any other living thing on Earth has been discovered by scientists, and it lives on pure energy alone. 

The electric bacteria live on electricity in the form of electrons harvested from rocks and metals, and biologists are enticing these lifeforms out of rocks and marine mud by tempting them with electrical juice. reports:

Experiments growing bacteria on battery electrodes demonstrate that these novel, mind-boggling forms of life are essentially eating and excreting electricity.

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  • It's an article in a hopefully serious scientific journal, but I just don't get it. It should at some point pick up ingredients from its environment ("eat") and make offspring complex enough in order to be alive (a big leap from mud and sludge around it even if it steals parts from other organisms).

    Anyway, it would be interesting to have some insight into "what's your story" of people attracted to this virtual place, as some of us occasionally reveal details. I guess synesthesia, chi/electricity flowing through a body, seeing the surrounding through different eyes, or some messed up state of consciousness is relatively frequently an important part of someone becoming a weirdo/contemplative person.

    “Finally, following a strong impulse, I closed my eyes and now saw the picture within me, stronger and mightier than before. I wanted to kneel down before it but it was so much a part of me that I could not separate it from myself, as though it had been transformed into my own ego. Then I heard a dark, heavy roaring as if just before a spring storm and I trembled with an indescribable new feeling of fearful experience. Stars flashed up before me and died away: memories as far back as my earliest forgotten childhood, yes, even as far back as my pre-existence at earlier stages of evolution, thronged past me. But these memories that seemed to repeat every secret of my life to me did not stop with the past and the present. They went beyond it, mirroring the future, tore me away from the present into new forms of life whose images shone blindingly clear–not one could I clearly remember later on. During the night I awoke from deep sleep: still dressed I lay diagonally across the bed. I lit the lamp, felt that I had to recollect something important but could not remember anything about the previous hour. Gradually I began to have an inkling. I looked for the painting–it was no longer on the wall, nor on the table either. Then I thought I could dimly remember that I had burned it. Or had this been in my dream that I burned it in the palm of my hand and swallowed the ashes? A great restlessness overcame me.” – Hermann Hesse, Demian

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