“Pollinator” - Review of Steve Tibbetts’ new album:
“Life Of”
- excerpt -
WOX: Is it far-fetched to tell you that your music helps to create a new language, code, or artistic space for me?
ST: "Not far-fetched: carving out artistic space is the everyday blue-collar work of music. The music I return to again and again occupies a body-mind artistic space, but I never thought of it as a code or language. “Language” is ok. That works. “Code,” no, I don’t get that. Codex? You can get musicians and artists to go way out on that limb, and they do, and it can be painful to listen to.
We did many interviews for the Choying albums, and writers were eager for me to talk about plumbing Jungian archetypes or pulling up buckets of inspiration from the primal substrate and bringing already-formed music into corporeal existence. giving it back to the world and so, on ad nauseam. If all could gaze online at my recording studio Steve-web-cam they’d see vacant stares, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, confusion, and naps."