
  • Maybe somewhat related: a friend just now posted the following on his Facebook page for discussion:

    "Thesis: regulation boils down to moral intolerance."

    And I thought...hmmmmm....
    • Organization

      I expected a more visceral reaction. There is right and there is wrong. This development is wrong. it is medieval and represents a descent into ignorance and a return to the Dark Ages. Quackery with profit in mind, as they will surely provide an expensive drug to cure the nonconformists.

      I am having trouble with the definition of regulation. Regulation to preserve the species is essential to human survival. Regulation to enslave the species or to support injustice is going to constellate its own reaction. 

    • He continues:

      "The thesis is that every regulation restricts something deemed too bad to tolerate."
      • Organization

        Jung was certainly regarded as a nonconformist by many in the psychiatric community. Should we unconforming Jungians be preparing to take the meds the pharmaceutical industry has undoubtedly prepared for our benefit. Have the pharmaceutical corporations bought and paid for the mainstream psychiatric community. 

      • And I wish he were into depth psychology. He's a Dostoevsky fan. ;)
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