Readers here might be interested in the piece I've posted on the new David Cronenberg film, "A Dangerous Method."

Here's my first paragraph: "A few days ago, I sat in on a webinar offered by the Ashville Jung Center. During the course of that presentation, the viewing audience was polled on the question of whether the movie might damage the public perception of Jungian therapy. I voted "Yes," along with 56% of the other hundred or so viewers from around the world, a number of whom are Jungian analysts themselves. Interestingly, when polled as to whether we liked the movie overall, 79% of us voted that we did. In other words, many of us found ourselves in the paradoxical position of appreciating the film yet feeling it might damage the public perception of not only Jungian analysis but perhaps psychotherapy more generally."

Click here, if you'd like to read the whole piece.


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  • Excellent commentary, and not due to my agreeing with you 100%!!!

  • I found the film very disturbing for a number of reasons. I do think it will damage Jungian therapy, and I didn't like the movie or its portrayals.  I would have preferred a documentary.

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