SF Bay Area Alliance meetups

I want to let everyone now that the "Marked by Fire" Depth Alliance meeting in late July was a wonderful in-person celebration of the larger depth community in Northern California and I really hope that we can have monthly meetups!  This particular event was to introduce a book of the 'growing up' experiences of current American Jungian analysts or writers, edited by local analysts Patricia Damery and Naomi Lowinsky.

On a hot Saturday at the end of July, the San Francisco Bay Area Depth Alliance Meetup in Marin County was indeed "Marked by Fire" with the spirit we all shared up on the hilltop garden over looking the north bay.  Bonnie hosted an incredible feast for body and soul - the food Bonnie brought and the wine (from Patricia Damery and husband Donald's vineyard) was delicious.

I enjoyed just being in the atmosphere with others - it was a deep confirmation of joining a group event that celebrates positive personal involvement in "the Jungian Way".  The gathering of kindred souls from many different backgrounds refreshing and inspiring - we had time to meet and talk about our interests in the field as well as sit in the cool shade and be drawn into readings of the depth and initiatory experiences that lead the 13 Jungian authors in the book "Marked by Fire" onto their paths of individuation.  Patricia Damery and Naomi Lowinski delivered animated readings of very forthright and intriguing chapters - hearing them read out loud gave me new angles of appreciation for the analysts who wrote for the book - there are so many ways that people came to know of Jung's work, even though they were living in unlikely places or enduring traumas that took a special twist of fate and character to transform them into therapists helping others each in their unique and radically alive way.

I look forward to the meetup this Saturday to hear Craig Chalquist speak about Earthrise: Beacon of a new WorldView.

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