I just finished posting updates on my 3 historic DPA Blog Sites, went back to the radio to hear the announcer state today is the earth's “National Anthem Day” and I am curious how each country feels and what they are thinking about as they listen to the words set to the songs we may recall…sing today? I’m Canadian and our anthem is “Oh Canada.”
It is time for us globally, collectively to reflect upon all those 'negative' based story lines that make up the majority of "BREAKING NEWS" stories we are bombarded with. The more important newsworthy events…the simple things... all the unknown people... all over the world do...hang onto...the "sweet hope" for peace and lovingkindness for all. Take a look at how your country treats the indigenous people of the land you currently walk upon, the living conditions of the children, the weak, impoverished and infirm, then, ask yourself again if your countries' national anthem rings strong and true for you?
I found this quote by Parker Palmer in Brainy Quotes, “We are a profoundly interconnected species, as the global economic and ecological crises reveal in vivid and frightening detail. We must embrace the simple fact that we are dependent on and accountable to one another” - interdependency!
Have a thoughtful day...Peace + Love Linda