When C.G.Jung visited Nazi Germany in 1933, he talked with "people of unquestionable idealism" who thought a "great revolution" was taking place there, even though there were some "unavoidable abuses". (from Volume 10 of Jung's Collected Works)

In February this year, the huge demonstrations of Euromaidan movement in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, brought about a régime change which some see as an idealistic revolution, others as a fascist coup. 

It is undeniable that an elected leader was deposed, that rightwing paramilitaries played a part in the change, that people who fought on the fascist side in WWII have been glorified, that memorials to anti-fascist soldiers have been destroyed...

What sort of European identity is being expressed in this movement? Is it a return of collective shadow?


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        • ?? Only if you use the word "fascism" to mean whatever you want it to mean at the time. This word has a specific historical origin, which is worth studying and thinking about...

          • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLqHv0xgOlc

            How about an authoritarian government that kills millions of people, including its own most devoted activists. The Soviet contribution to the defeat of fascism was one bunch of genocidal thugs defeating another bunch of genocidal thugs. Mussolini was a communist and you seem to be another ideologue. The allies were genocidal thugs too, there is little freedom in the west. Democracy is utter rubbish. I will never vote, the system is a sham.

          • quote-military-men-are-dumb-stupid-animals-to-be-used-as-pawns-for-foreign-policy-henry-kissinger-346019.jpgI don't remember anyone (relevant) from the West complaining about the real, full-fledged fascism as it happened in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo ("Why do all those fascists/terrorists hate us?" is another story.). Do these people look like they are in the middle of a sad attempt to start the World War 3 or however they want to call it? In a way it's a big step for the leaders to stop (physically) fighting (they rarely did, but now they are a call/ride/message away from each other), but when will the rest of us join them? I don't think they are calling each other "fascists", that's what they use when they are talking to us. They are nothing without us.20140607_putin_poroshenko_reut.jpg

  • Since I don't live in New Zealand, I can only guess where the problem is.

    Some parts of the world can be considered "awesome", and some "lame". Since Colin is a fan of Kali, that his surrounding actually allows him to conceive the idea of being a fan of Kali, I guess there is some amount of awesomeness in Australia. So, Euromaidan is at the same awesome and lame. Getting rid of a dictator is awesome, but bringing other dictators and warmongers and inviting foreigners to loot you is very lame and pathetic. 

    Political correctness can be tiresome and boring, especially if it's just used as a blame game and hiding of real problems and real designers of problems. For instance, apartheid and exploitation are alive and well in South Africa (and supported by those who came to Mandela's funeral). In Jungian terms, politics is nowadays about persona (looking and sounding good in the media) and shadow ("everybody" knows that the opposite side is just plain wrong). It's a sad situation (politics and mentality) when contemplation and imagination are prohibited and drugs and alcohol (yes, including tobacco) are the only ways left to express revolt or just for a moment forget about being stuck in "facts" and "reality".

  • The authoritarian left that I experience in NZ just does nothing. There is no culture happening. The is no work to do. No reason to get up in the morning. A Euromaiden sounds damned fine to me.

    • I'm sure the Euromaidan movement gives a lot of people a reason to get up in the morning. Also the Anti-maidan movement gives a lot of other people a reason to get up in the morning...

      Would you like to tell us more about the authoritarian left that you experience in NZ?

      • I keep having to produce photo I.D. just to get stuff done. They say I must have a curriculum vitae so that I might advance my position. There are strange 'dietary supplements' being added to my food. If I go to a cultural event, I should expect and tolerate a Maori Elders racial resentments and insults. Only loudmouths should be allowed to achieve, quiet people must be pushed out, can't trust em and damn they are so creepy. European culture is offensive, our millions must be spent on ugly trash and indigenous culture. The poor (quiet folks) have no right to experience culture, but we will charge them $68 dollars for 50grams of tobacco, because we care for their health...

    • About culture happening in New Zealand: maybe you should try listening to death metal music (Ulcerate or Diocletian).

      There is a catch: When a revolution happens, who is behind it and why? For instance, I was totally against Milosevic back in the day. But, was "free market" really the best alternative to his politics? Is it better to try to develop and improve your companies or to sell them (including energy and water) to domestic criminals and foreign whatever they are? International politics is one big lie. "Developing" countries under the influence of IMF aren't developing anywhere. In the most recent conflict in Iraq both sides were trained and armed by America, one in Iraq and the other in Syria. Every dictator or terrorist organization is a product of colonization or military interventions from the West. Regardless who was removed in Euromaidan by CIA: Is it because someone loves the people there? They tried the Orange Revolution ten years ago and failed. Ukraine doesn't really have the government at the moment (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/24/ukrainian-prime-minist...) and Maidan is still burning (http://rt.com/news/179168-klitschko-maidan-cleanup-protest/). That's what the "pro-Russian terrorists" are about.

      I agree on that "culture happening" part. It's absurd to have wars and such a low level of collective awareness in this century. A humane society would be a nice and cozy realm for collective individuation, care about community, and capacity to communicate. When someone for instance "supports the troops", it would be nice to be aware (to perceive reality beyond "our guys" and "some other guys") what the troops are doing and whether that's the best possible approach to politics or not. A war should be called "idiotic mass murder" every time it happens. Just think about it: World Idiotic Mass Murder 1, World Idiotic Mass Murder 2...

  • That's it: http://misguidedchildren.com/domestic-affairs/2013/06/america-fract...

    The point I kind of want to make here is that how some people live fake lives. Again, I shall not write here about the situation in Serbia (I am a member of a political party - not influential, but never say never :-)). To not deviate too much from this discussion: Was Ukraine really the most urgent nation of us Caucasians, the rest of us are striving just fine and now is the time for Ukrainians to be enlightened?

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