Moving lecture tonight from Brazilian clinician, Roberto Gambini: "Urban Trees as Mirror of the Soul" at Pacifica Graduate Institute​. Roberto is a gifted presenter and his insights on how the destruction of trees mirrors our cultural psyche is profound. Feeling gratitude to be in the company of likeminded others....

Hoping we can entice Roberto to present for Depth Alliance one day soon....

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  • Fascinating, Char. There are so many new studies coming out about our interconnectivity and how the suffering or loss of one species affects others. Roberto made the connection between trees and how so many of our organs "contain trees" when you look at their structures, including he human breast where the "roots" converge right where life-giving milk emerges.

    Also, recently I watched an interesting lecture from Suzanne Simard, a forest ecologist in the Pacific Northwest who has determined the role of so-called 'Mother' Trees that send nutrients along the networks to young trees in timely amounts so they each can thrive appropriately. When a Mother tree is cut down, she uses her last effort to make sure she allocates the last of her resources exactly where they will make the most difference. 

  • Organization

    For the excessive love of trees I went without power for 38 hours after the last windstorm. Trees need to be selectively culled or else they can become a hazard to life limb and the freedom to pursue happiness. Behind the smarm cometh a bureaucratic legion of let the trees grow regulators with their hands out for money, permits dictatorial bullying et al ... And then in the end the big wind storms/nature has its its final say.  Nature has its own laws in regard to trees. So I agree with jung when he said words to the effect that the human weeds will outgrow the rest of humanity, if they are not constrained pruned and cut back.

    Odes to the tree are OK by me as long as long a bit of common sense in regard to the greater good of the public is factored into the consideration. Right now the tree huggers prevail and nature smashed them down along with the power of more than a couple million people in my vicinity just over a month ago. 

    • Well--nature always bats last, as they say--and She will decide when the cycle of life is over, whether for her trees or for humans. It's a fine line we walk as conscious stewards of the planet and with our need to survive and utilize technology and other cultural perks we all enjoy such as electricity. 

      Interestingly, in his talk, Roberto showed a picture of a public campaign that went to to all electricity customers urging them to cut down their trees. The image included in the mailer was of a dark tree with a white power pole in front of it, but from a depth psychological standpoint, the image looked like a tree with a cross--as if it were being crucified. In the end we will each decide for ourselves---but at least some awareness seems like a step in the right direction. Thanks for your comment, Klemens.

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