Community Ed Programs Committee - Next Steps

Hi James, Patricia, Jess, Craig, Donna, and MIchael,

I wanted to to check in with you regarding the Community Ed committee and brainstorm how we should best move forward on the Community Education initiative. James, Patricia, and Jesse: you were on the original kick-off call for the committee, and Craig, Donna, and Michael: you have each volunteered an offering for the program so for now, I'm hoping you'll participate on the committee since you have a hands-on perspective.

Currently we have 22 respondents (including Michael and Donna) to the survey asking individuals if they'd like to present in some way. As we began discussing this initiative among the board, some expressed a desire to create a process to screen and vet these individuals so we felt comfortable with what and how they would present. I am all for that, but would like to streamline that process as much as possible because it could be rather time-consuming depending on how we go about it. 

I personally know (or know of) a handful of these people and would feel comfortable giving the go-ahead based on how they answered the survey and what I know about them (including Donna and Michael, of course). I was wondering if you would each look at the list and see if you know any of them and feel the same way (List is attached to this email) or you can view all the results of the survey online here:

Beyond that, I would like to know how you all think would be best to move forward at this stage? 

1)--How do you think we should best go about vetting the ones we don't know...a phone call from one of us? Something else? Keep in mind they can choose to participate in a number of ways and some will want to offer an audio teleseminar or webinar while others might just agree to host a written group online.

2)--What's the easiest way to move forward and get the "program" up and running? As you may know, Craig has stepped up to offer a webinar on "Mythic Activism" which we scheduled for August 28 (Link here: ).  Donna and Michael, would you be ready to do something soon and what would you most like to do?

3)--Should we identify the ones we know and ask them to pick a date? Technically, because the Alliance events pages are only viewable to members,  I will need to create a "public" web page so we can appeal to everyone who is not yet a member, so I will need to know as far in advance as I can so I can pace my time investment.

4)--Shall we schedule a general training call to teach everyone how to use the software for teleseminar/webinar--or would any of you be wiling/able to learn it (it's very simple) and train people as needed?

What else? I'm open and really wanting to take some action. Hopefully you feel the same. If anyone would like to head up this committee and drive the next steps, I welcome  that as well. Otherwise, if you can offer your opinions, that will be great.

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