Generating income:
To give you an idea, voluntary donations vary, but are usually fairly consistent if looked at over the course of a year. The Alliance netted just over $100 in May. My hard costs for the hosting platform, the newsletter/database functionality, the teleseminar function, and the radio function are $171. When I started, I hoped to actually contribute something to making a living with it but I’ve since realized I should probably ultimately either make it a non-profit, or make it privately owned by a trust or board who would work to create dividends and pay themselves for their work. I don’t suppose this is urgent, and I remain open.
- · Should we create a sort of “community educators” track in which professionals can sign up for something like $60 a year and have unlimited access to Alliance tools for offering teleseminars, webinars, and a certain number of study groups (written group forum) each year plus training on how to use the system. (I’m already paying for the teleseminar/webinar system each month for about $50) and paying for the paywall capabilities for an additional $20/mo.
- · Should we create a paid “education” track in which members can access all the teleseminars/webinars/study groups being offered plus the archives for a flat monthly or yearly fee?--$5 or $10/ mo, changeable anytime?
- · Once we have some archives, should we charge a flat monthly rate to access the library of archives?
- · Offer advertising of (depth-related) products and services on the site?
- Other ideas?
It would be great to focus in on specifically what it is we are providing (selling) that folks cannot get elsewhere. The education track would be excellent for this or an Alliance conference--the more I think about this, the better idea I think it is.