The Alliance Executive Council meets every Wednesday for 2 hours from 2pm to 4pm PT. You are invited to join us anytime.

These meetings focus primarily on Alliance Operations--creating or implementing processes, clarifying direction, or forming initiatives that help us provide more structure and clear pathways to succeeding as an organization. One of our most important initiatives is focusing on ways of supporting the Committees so that they can be successful in their individual charters.

Any and all board members are welcome to join us for one (or more) meetings. Please know that the Committees and Board Meetings are still the place to bring new ideas and initiatives, but if you want to be more current on Operations issues, please feel free to stop by.

If you plan to attend any given week, please let Craig or I know in advance if at all possible so we know who to expect, and if you have an item for the agenda, we can add it in if appropriate to this gathering.

WHEN: Wednesdays, 2-4pm PT

ACCESS info is as follows (same as the monthly Board access info)

Via computer, tablet or smartphone::

Or join by phone:  +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 516 453 618 

You need to be a member of Depth Psychology Alliance to add comments!

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  • I would love to join in a discussion with the Executive Council as soon as there is an opening in my clients schedule that allows it. At this time, my Wednesday afternoons are my most full client day. 

    I will be sending an email to you all set up further discussions as to how I can begin the Outreach committee can be begin to align with all of the exciting projects on DPA.

  • Thank you for the invite; however, this is on a day that I cannot attend...D

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