We have a lot of exciting events coming up, so PLEASE share them around on social media and with your networks as much as you can, and also hoping many of us can show up to support the ones we can if at all possible.
If active board members are interested in attending the events that are paid events, please let me know. In most cases, I’m sure we can comp a few seats.
TOMORROW, Thursday, NOVEMBER 5, 5-6:30pm PT - Alliance Deep Meet & Greet, hosted by Mark & Donna: http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/next-deep-meet-and-greet
TOMORROW, Thursday, November 5, 5-6pm and various Wednesdays through March 17 - -“Silver & the Art of Lunatic Reflection—An in-Depth 10-class Course on Alchemy with Robert Bosnak” — While this event is produced by Jung Platform, Depth Alliance has co-sponsored this Alchemy series for nearly two years now, providing the technology/platform and Bonnie occasionally hosting as needed. It’s given us some good exposure. Cost is $150, with a 10% discount for Alliance members. http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/silver-the-art-of-lunatic-reflection-an-in-depth-10-class-course-
Monday, NOVEMBER 9, 5-6pm PT - 1-hour interactive webinar on Expanding one’s Creative Life, led by depth psychotherapist/artist Nina Ross ($25 Alliance members/$30 others with a newly assigned DISCOUNT CODE for $10 off). This has low registration at this point—please promote if you can): http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/taking-responsibility-for-your-creative-life-opening-to-the-flow-
Wednesday, DECEMBER 2, 6pm to 7pm PT, FIRST Alliance Town Hall, community meeting hosted by Craig and Bonnie—board members encouraged to attend if you can so we have a solid front and people can see the leadership team. Informal discussion of projects, vision, and future of Alliance. (free, will announce optional monthly donation membership) (Yet to be posted)
Saturday, DECEMBER 5, 12-1:30pm PT, The Souls of White Folk: A Community Discussion on the Archetypal Roots of Racism in America - produced by James Newell: http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/the-souls-of-white-folk (Free with option for donation)
Thursday, DECEMBER 10, 12-1pm PDT - Cross Cultural Conversation on Archetypal Psychology with Patricia Berry and Brazilian Gustavo Barcellos (Early bird: $25 Alliance members/$30 others): http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/webinar-cross-cultural-perspectives-on-archetypal-psychology-nort
Wednesdays in JANUARY, starting January 6, 5-6pm PT, interactive webinar series, “Cultivating Poetic Sensibility in a Wired World” - co-led by Robert Romanyshyn, Bonnie Bright, Brian Tracy: http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/poetic-sensibility-wired-world
Note: Eva is also working on webinar series that may happen early next Spring, and Craig is thinking about a couple of webinar courses potentially for summer time.
If anyone else has even a broad timeline for something, please respond to this posting with potential dates, and be sure as SOON AS you set something in stone for a date to list it on the Alliance Events section so everyone knows the dates—even if you don’t have all the details for the event itself. Just ask people to check back soon for more details. As we get busier with events, we’ll need so work around each other a bit.