Web Traffic/Visits - Analytics for the Alliance

Mark made a good point about measuring success in our board meeting and followed up by suggesting it might be helpful for board members to actually to see traffic data on regular occasion. Even I hadn't looked at it for awhile, so did so today on his suggestion and found it helpful. Posting some of the charts and data here for your review.

Below is the number of SESSIONS and USERS and PAGEVIEWS (tracked by day) over the course of a month. Bounce rate reflects visitors that leave almost immediately on arriving on the page--usually because it wasn't what they were looking for.

BTW, I think Aleks is our only member from Serbia, so you can see how often he is on the site! He makes up over 6% of visits as ONE person--in relation to over 4100 total.

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  • Great points, Mark. I'm a big supporter of coming up with a handful of meaningful measures of success. And thanks Bonnie for providing the data. BTW--How do you know that Aleks is the only member from Serbia?

    The True Measures of Success
    Most companies use the wrong performance metrics. Don’t be one of them.
    • Good catch, Dorene! I just assumed about Aleks. When I searched our members using "Serbia" just now, 6 people came up!
    • Hmm. I wasn't actually challenging you, Bonnie. I just wondered how you split out that information as it wasn't obvious in the charts. So, it's possible to break up the data further than the charts suggest? I have also been wondering how we could "use" the profiles write about themselves to identify and aggregate themes in our membership. A very rough example might be to count the number of people who list ecopsych as an interest. I know we know who has joined the ecopsych group, but there may be many more who are interested but didn't join a group yet. My thought is that this is a way to target certain members for certain offerings.

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