We had a great meeting comprised of Bonnie, Brent, Eva and two new volunteer members, Julie Perkins and Pamela Alexander who have been part of the weekly DiscoverRing Depth Psychology as a Vocation group that has been running for several months.

You can access the replay here. See the Minutes below


Prepared by Bonnie Bright


Attendees: Bonnie, Brent, Eva, Pamela Alexander, Julie Perkins


Welcome and overview to new committee members, Julie and Pamela, plus introductions

It was noted that all 4 of our existing Alliance committees are really focused on creating and producing events, though each will have a different focus (DIALOGUE: connecting people, EXPLORE: educating, EXPERIENCE offering experiences/depth work, POLLINATE: training).

Reminder of the committees charter: "vision, validate, vivify!" Up to us to take all the ideas and funnel them through an assessment to determine what the value will be (financial, offering visibility or credibility, connecting people/member experience, etc.); then putting a process in place that allows them to come to life

Suggestion that we can have multiple groups or events running on the same topic in the same timeframe. As an example, with dreams, there are lots of different methods; some people will prefer certain times over others; some group leaders will attract certain followers, while others will migrate toward others

New detailed templates/process documents available for our use (currently posted in the Alliance board group):

  1. Event Setup Process and Timeline
  2. Potential Presenter Questionnaire
  3. 10 Preliminary Questions for Volunteer Interviewers
  4. 1-page Event Proposal Form (everyone proposing an event should fill this out so we have a reference)

Discussion ensued about the actual process of moving forward on an event. Currently we need to all make sure as soon as an event date is picked, it needs to be placed on the Alliance events, even if it says “more info coming soon.” Anyone considering dates for a new event should first look in the Events section to see what’s already there. Overall, the Alliance needs to consider a better way for all of us to communicate what we’re doing to one another.

The Alliance is continuing to seek a Program Manager &/or pool of contract help who can oversee the logistical operations of the various online offerings/events. We have one prospect who has agreed to a profit share of paid events for paid compensation.

P&E continues to consider hosting free "Signature Events" that will make the Alliance visible and unique: Deep Meet & Greet, Dinner & Depth, book groups, dream groups. New 1-page template program overviews have been created for each of these 3 events and posted in the “Board group” on the Alliance.


Upcoming events on the calendar:

December 5: “The Soul of White Folk” panel discussion and community conversation produced by James Newell. Cost: Free

December 10: “Cross Cultural Perspectives on James Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology” with Pat Berry and Gustavo Barcellos. Cost: $25 for Alliance members/earlybird rate

Wednesdays in January: “Cultivating Poetic Sensibility in a Wired World” with Robert Romanyshyn, Bonnie Bright, Brian Tracy

Alliiance “Town Hall” December 2 at 6pm PT

Potential events in planning:

  • Experiential group for men with Mark Sipowicz
  • Interview series with Brent Potter
  • Fairytales & dreams series with Eva Rider
  • Dream group with Donna May and James Newell
  • Small group/DiscoverRing Series with Nina Ross, Artist/Psychotherapist potentially starting in late January


Deep Meet & Greet gatherings


Next Meeting:  Monday, Dec 14th at 1pm PST

Alliance Programs-and-Events Minutes-Nov2015.docx

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  • Bonnie, I want to thank you again for stepping in for me eleventh hour with the last meeting. Thanks for sharing such detailed minutes above....you rock!

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