This article arrived in my inbox today from one of my favorite organizations--Cultural Survival. Based in Boston, MA, they do a great job of choosing specific eco & indigenous issues that are really critical and try to get in on a grassroots level to make a difference, asking people like us to write letters to government and to raise money to help locals rally when their survival, heritage, or habitats are threatened. They have a wonderful program to save indigenous languages as well. Today's issue is about a dam that the Chinese are trying to build in Honduras in Central America. This would result in mass ecocide, affecting the river, its temperature and flow, blocking the fish, and contributing to greenhouse gases and global warming. The local native people who depend on the river for fishing and livelihood would be left behind, open to new alien forces like flooding, invasion of logging, drug smuggling and more. Cultural Survival has featured other dam projects in the past, such as the ongoing struggle to block Belo Monte in Brazil. If you are interested in learning more about the Honduras dam project and its devastating consequences--or any of the issues Cultural Survival focuses on, check this link: CS also has a wonderful quarterly magazine that I subscribe to which has great stories and always amazing images and photos. It's a good way to stay on top of these issues and contribute to the cause.

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