Craig Chalquist told me about this documentary, and when I went looking, I found the whole thing online. It features several ecopsychologists -- including, among others, Dr. Mary Gomes, one of the authors of Ecopsychology (the original book). Mary was also a professor of mine at SSU.

I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but it looks hugely compelling and I wanted to share before I lost track of the intention.

Here is the synopsis:

Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction :
Director: Monte Thompson | Producer: Chera Van Burg
Genre: Documentary | Produced In: 2010 | Story Teller's Country: United States

Synopsis: If current trends continue, scientists warn that within a few decades at least HALF of all plant and animal species on Earth will disappear forever. “Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction” is the first feature documentary to investigate the growing threat to Earth’s life support systems from this unprecedented loss of biodiversity. Through interviews with leading scientists, psychologists, historians, and others, the film explores the causes, the scope, and the potential effects of the mass extinction, but also looks beyond the immediate causes of the crisis to consider how our cultural and economic systems, along with deep-seated psychological and behavioral patterns, have allowed and continue to reinforce the situation, and even determine our response to it. “Call of Life” tells the story of a crisis not only in nature, but also in human nature, a crisis more threatening than anything human beings have ever faced before.

Click here to get to the site.... and if you watch it, please share your thoughts with the group here!


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