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  • Images like these are commonplace now and often have no impact on our sensibility. We accept destruction of Nature as the price of the consumer model.

    • All too true as a general rule in our culture. Hoping we can buck that trend here in the community, and am so grateful for your efforts to that end, Willi, as well as to all those who are working to raise consciousness on a daily basis...

  • - the same thing, but as an article

    That surfer looks photoshopped or at least too difficult to believe.

    Just watch the news as a document of what's going on at the moment. Will this century be remembered as and only as a century when we were randomly throwing bombs at each other. Just think about it:

    "Mr. President (or whoever is in charge), we have a problem."

    "I don't know, I have some bombs, maybe we might use them. Can that problem you are talking about be solved by murder?"

    We had at least a century of time and knowledge to plan in advance. And how did we use this knowledge and time?

    • This morning as I perused the "Alliance" website for a little bit more knowledge of its navigational system, I read this post and looked at the images.  I agree that they are photoshopped to some respect because of the intense coloring involved in the presentation of the images.  These do attract attention!  But, I've seen so many of these, that I think that no matter how many images are published ooncerning "overconsumption", "deforestration", "animal abuse", "devastation of war, imigration, poverty, sink holes, etc." as humans as a whole isn't there a kind of desensitation to it all?  Especially if a person has not personally experienced some aspect of these ills of our world and of our society???

      I've lived in a third world country for 8 years . . .  and I've experience and seen a lot of the reality

      ----  not virtual ----

      but the real thing!

      At this time in my life, I'm trying to improve my little corner of a too-quickly-evolving virtual world; and, to help by prayer and positive input of simplifing in a compassionate and loving way, one person at a time, one step at a time . . .  hoping that the 'soul print"  THAT I PRODUCE TODAY  will bring a spark of light to the darkness that attempts to enguls us, as humanity!

      On whom do we weep, as decay and death encroach upon us each day through the mass media?  . . .  propelled often by greed and power and exploitation! . . .thus we allow ourselves to be engulfed, instead of taking a deep breath that sustains life, in this particular space and time of my life!

      Just wondering why there seems to be little interaction on this Site?  I have no solutions, only compassion and a word of "forgiveness . . .  for they do not know what they do!" one of the 7 words from the Cross of Jesus in His dying moments!  Perhaps a multitude of words are not necessary, but true understanding and silence, with HOPE for the future of humanity in a New Dawn!

    • Hi Sister Helen. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments here. I agree that we collectively suffer with desensitization—and have written about the coping mechanisms we have integrated so deeply, including apathy, numbing, and distracting ourselves because if we truly looked at what's happening on the planet, it would simply be  too much to bear. At the same time, I think there's a counter movement by those who are waking up, who are willing to witness and hold the tension and pain created by the knowledge and understanding. Truly, when one has experienced the devastation and growing crisis first hand as you have, I can imaging there is so much more urgency in bringing that spark of light you mention.

      As for why there is so little interaction on the Alliance, I wonder too. I think the overwhelm of all the messages we get from media, the proliferation of Facebook which is easier to access and offers a wider range of topics with which we can distract ourselves come into play, at least for me. It's indicative of a trend, I think, to play in the "shallows" because going into the depths is more time-consuming and more difficult, psychologically and emotionally. To that end, I think daily about how we can build more community and encourage more activity amongst ourselves. Ideas welcomed, all... 

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