Our initial audio/video meets (March 3 and March 11) emphasized group member introductions. Subsequent audio/video meets will emphasize the sharing of works (visual art, story, poetry) produced from the creative process suggested herein.
Whether or not you have introduced yourself during audio/video meet, please reply here with introduction to yourself and what brings you to the circle.
with love, thank you
Kara, here is the Doodle poll. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested to join us: https://doodle.com/poll/2qsvh66kzgyk4xhr
Great, Kara! Thanks for offering your availability for a group call. I intend to initiate a Doodle Meeting form and will use yours as a guide to narrow down some times. Will post that here and also to the Facebook group tomorrow, Sunday! love, meg
Laura, I've reached out to a colleague at Naropa and will let you know and/or put you in touch when I hear back. Look forward to our meet today. Talk soon! love, megan
Delighted to have you here, Laura, and thrilled to learn of your work, which has me thinking of prairie dogs at Naropa University's Nalanda Campus (Boulder, CO) and what is ultimately a success story in co-existence efforts though I know not the details. I am happy to connect you with someone who may. Prairie dogs at Castle Rock CO were not so fortunate. This poem, The Trading Post, was written of sacred rage. Much grief takes the shape of such anger and writing the poetry attends; is the balm that allows me peace of mind...that is so long as I am free to write and write freely. Here is ample space for grief. Looking forward to seeing all you bring through and to our meet this Friday. Will you be able to join? with love, thank you megan
I enjoy writing and dancing. As creative director at ex·tinc·tion wit·ness, a collaborative art project with a primary focus on personal and global peacemaking, I produce electronic posts and short films in collaboration with other artists. My work is informed by formal study of the physical, life, and social sciences (MS 2007 Environmental Studies, BS 1997 Applied Health Science/Environmental Health) integrated with my experience in a twenty-year and continuing process of personal healing and existential inquiry. I've contributed at Kosmos Journal Online, Elephant Journal and Dark Matter: Women Witnessing. I practice Ashtanga Yoga and live in Bozeman, Montana with my son. meganhollingsworth.com and extinctionwitness.org