Opening comments and discussion questions:

Understanding the Rising Sign.  Each of us has a Natal Mask, or persona, based upon the date, time, and place of birth. But this persona also progresses, or evolves, over time. As we grow older, each new progressed Mask affects us for several decades. Each new Mask will bring out different qualities and talents latent in the Natal chart, as it slowly moves into contact with Natal planets and points, such as the Midheaven (10th House cusp), the Natal Rising Sign, and the Nodes. Others may notice a difference in our persona.

Example:The Natal Mask. The outside world quickly picks up on the Natal Rising Sign. People respond to it when they first meet us.  Air and Fire are the extraverted Elements, Earth and Water introverted.  If we have Air Rising-- Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius—for instance, we usually seem quite sociable at first meeting. But suppose our Natal Sun and Moon are in introverted Elements. Then, the person we just met at the party will discover the rest of our personality, the more introverted planets, later. He may be surprised that hidden depths lie that beneath the fun-loving Air Mask!  Or, if we have a high percentage of Water planets, he‘ll discover we’re moodier than he expected.

The Instinctual and Spiritual Rulers:

                        The instinctual (aka mundane) ruler of the Rising Sign is easier to identify than    the spiritual.  It's called instinctual because it often includes 1) physical attributes: Mars/   Aries: energy,   passion, adrenalin, coordination, reflexes, survival instincts/ fight or flight response, competitive drive,  anger, aggressive/ assertive responses.

                         Or 2) emotional attributes. For instance, Moon/Cancer: nurturing,  family bonds, receptivity, memories, the stomach, (including the ability to "stomach life," ) imagination; Venus/ Libra:  romance, beauty, aesthetics, lofty ideals, distinguishing the "I" from the "We," strong  sense of justice/fairness.)            


                        The esoteric (aka spiritual) ruler's influence is less concrete, less easy to recognize.  It involves qualities like generosity (Jupiter), lovingkindness (Venus),  Saturn/Capricorn: our dharma or duty to the larger community. People who have a positive connection with the spiritual ruler of their Rising Sign seem happier.


      Growing into the Rising Sign: Joe integrates Natal Mars


Joe was born with his Rising Sign in early Aries. But Mars, his only Aries planet and his instinctual ruler, was in the very last degree of Aries, at the bottom of his Identity House (First House.)


It took the Progressed Ascendant 29 years to align with Joe’s Mars. When the conjunction occurred, Joe was attending his brother’s wedding in his home town.  Beth, a girl he’d really liked years ago, was there.  She watched him in an animated discussion with several older men. Not only were they interested in Joe’s opinions, he’d actually won them over to his viewpoint.


 “I thought Joe was a wimp in high school, but now he’s so confidant and enthusiastic, maybe I should have gone to the prom with him.”   Beth was impressed. Joe got her phone number. Two years later, as his Progressed Ascendant entered Taurus and contacted Venus- in- Taurus in his Second House (finances) Joe received a promotion. He also decided to ask Beth to marry him.


(There are other factors involved in the timing, like transiting Saturn, but our focus here is on Joe’s enhanced magnetism, which Beth felt.)

Discussion:  Question One:  has anyone ever had, or known someone who had, an experience of “growing into” the planets in their Identity House?  Or of progressing from Fire to Earth, like Joe, and feeling grounded, ready to “settle down” and marry?


 Question Two:  How do the instinctual ruler and the spiritual ruler of Aries work together? Suggested reading:  pp 11-17, including  footnote 13, on Annie Besant’s greatest regret.   


Aries Rising John Lennon saw his songs as “postcards to the universe.” As a young woman, Annie Besant practiced making speeches in her husband’s church while pretending she went there to practice the organ as it was considered unseemly for women to speak in church. 


For some Aries Rising people, Mars’ passion for an activity or cause and Mercury’s communication skills blend early. Fire Rising is in a hurry to get on with life and share their gifts with others.


Intermediate and advanced students may want to review the two horoscopes at, Astrodata.  Do you think life is any   easier with a contact between the two rulers, however difficult, (Besant’s chart) or with no major contact at all? (Lennon’s.)  


Or, you may prefer to discuss Pearl Buck or Henry Miller. What was their Aries/Mars journey like? Risk-taking?  Pioneering? Adventure? Heroism/Warrior Archetype?  Their Aries/Mercury journey?  The messages they brought the world?


Example Two: The Progressed Mask in the Second Half of Life, for participants over 50. 


Question 1: Have you ever encountered an old friend, someone you hadn’t seen in a very long time and watched the person’s face light up with joy? Perhaps they greeted you with,” you’ve changed a lot, but I knew right away it was you!”  Have you ever received validation from the outer world that you’ve grown not just older, but that somehow the new, mature, you is an improvement on the “old you?”    For Aries Rising, they could be picking up on the Wisdom of Athena, guide to courageous heroes.  Spirit, forever young, is still there to connect with the old friend.


 Discussion Question 2:

If you have Aries Rising, or know someone over 59  who does, you/he/she have already progressed through one or more Signs, Elements and Modes, you may want to consider the various Masks  worn while moving though life. Which ones did you enjoy the most?


The professional image?  The ambitious Warrior?  The Lover (polar opposite of the Warrior)? The Mask of responsible, caring parent or loving grandparent?


 By hindsight, which Mask cycles seemed more difficult?  Easier? The peaceful warrior Mask, perhaps? (Annie Besant wrote at the end of her life, “Theosophy brought me peace.”)


For  Advanced Students of Astrology:

Which of your Natal planets, if any, did the Progressed Rising Sign contact from each new Ascendant Sign?

Did the progression bring out interests latent in the Natal Chart?

What type of person seems attracted to your progressed Seventh House Cusp? (The polarity of the progressed Ascendant Sign is the progressed Seventh House cusp Sign.  Aries/Libra will shift to Taurus/Scorpio then, in the next cycle, Gemini/Sagittarius.)  

Does the same type of person (Element, Mode) who appealed to you in your twenties still appeal as much? 

The Second Progressed Sign usually feels more comfortable (familiar) than the first as the Elements are more compatible. Introverted Rising Signs remark, “I feel like my old self again, I’m craving more alone time,” while extraverted Natal Ascendants feel more sociable.


Question 3: In the second half of life, did you return to an activity that you loved as a child?  Carl G. Jung, for instance, spent hours sorting stones as a boy, then, in adulthood, he spent years building Bollingen Tower. Is there a process, an equivalent of Jung’s “stone play,” that brings you joy?

Perhaps it's an activity you share with your grandchildren?

Examples:  Some people who wrote for their high school newspaper or college magazine in youth returned to writing after midlife as bloggers, short story writers, poets, novelists, memoirists. Others, who were high school athletes, returned to their favorite sport as coaches in retirement. Many who loved drama in high school developed an interest in community theater, as patrons or as volunteers.

For Mars-ruled Aries’, joie de vivre and continued good health is related to staying active. It’s important not to lose touch with one’s instincts! After midlife, Aries Rising needs safe, age-appropriate exercise hobby to keep their instinctual rule, engaged in life.


However, if there are many Water and/or Earth planets in the horoscope, a prolonged sedentary period, a time of grieving or healing from surgery, can affect the state of mind, as well as muscle tone, coordination and reflexes. As soon as possible, Aries should return to the golf course or other favored physical activity!


The Aries Treasure story, the Golden Fleece, has many important nuances for both the First and Second Half of Life. It will be discussed in the teleseminar February 29, in the context of Uranus’ ingress into Aries for the new 7-year cycle. What new beginnings lay ahead for Aries Rising?  For the rest of us in our “Aries House?”

 If you’re participating in the teleseminar, please read the story, “Jason and the Dragons-Teeth Warriors,” (pp. 17-21)  by the end of February.

If you don’t already have a copy of your Natal horoscope, you may wish to order one and locate your Aries House cusp beforehand.


Taurus Rising:  Inner and Outer Resourcefulness


The words “resources” and “resourcefulness” usually bring to mind financial wherewithal, the most common association for Taurus/Venus/Second House Archetype. At the instinctual level, it’s about financial survival. More than any other Ascendant, Taurus Rising is concerned with setting aside funds to “fall back on” in a crisis.


When astrologers think of Taurus talents, toften their first association is business intuition, like that of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. His Ascendant was enhanced by 50% of his planets in the Earth Element.  Hearst took over his father’s newspaper business in his teens. Though many Taurus Rising people work in the “family business,” few take on full responsibility for it at such a young age.  When Taurus invests too much energy gaining financial security and neglects other areas of life, the persona comes across as materialistic, like eaHearstHearst’s. He was the Archetypal Tycoon.

Novelist Herman Melville is another example of Taurus Rising born into a wealthy family that fell into poverty after the death of relative. (Both charts are available on, astrodata.) A sudden plunge into poverty will bring out the survival instinct early in life.  When his wealthy grandfather died, leaving them almost nothing, Melville’s family lost social status as well as wealth. Talented young Herman was unable to enroll in an Ivy League school with his friends. He surrendered his social connections the day he signed on as a cabin boy, but his whaling ship experience would become the material for Moby Dick.

The Venus Rulership: Aphrodite and her retinue, the Muses foster creative imagination, musical, artistic and storytelling abilities. Taurus is about much more than hard work and professional success. We’ll return to this theme later. 

First, the Taurus Rising Treasure Story.  

Treasure Discussion 1: Please read the Magic Beans story, pp. 36-40.

Question 1:

What is the Treasure in this story? Is the meaning of treasure dreams or fairy tales always literal, or is it sometimes symbolic?

What might the older couple in this story have learned had they progressed consciously through Gemini and Cancer? (pp. 41-42.)  (Elements, Modes, Ruling planets.)

Or,  question 2 : Personal reflection: If you’ve ever had a treasure dream, or a series of them, you might want to comment on what the dream or series meant to you, either at the time or later, by hindsight. Especially if you have Taurus or another Earth Sign Rising! If this doesn’t fit, please move on to the next question.

Anna Freud had Taurus Rising Ascendant and was extremely practical. She grew up while her father was discussing and formalizing his theories. Then she entered the “family business” as a child psychologist. Her first innovative book before was published in her twenties.  By her 70’s, others in her field considered her an international treasure. She had a wealth of knowledge drawn from her unique experience working with traumatized children who were uprooted in the Second World War.

 During a speaking tour in the United States, a member of the audience challenged her, “what you just said, Miss Freud, is only common sense.” 

Astonished, Anna replied, “But there’s nothing common about common sense!”

At my in-person workshops, two Taurus Rising participants,( both coincidentally, social workers,) had the same “take” on Anna’s remark: “that’s it exactly!” and, “she’s absolutely right! It’s that simple! People really overcomplicate decision-making by wasting time and rationalizing, then they finally do what they wanted to do in the first place.”

Question 3, The Collective. What do you think? What might Miss Freud’s insight mean to us now, as Jupiter is about to leave Taurus. Might her Taurus Rising insight have special meaning (larger implications) for at this moment in time, while we’re recovering from the Boom and the Bust?

Question 4, Creativity.  Aphrodite ( Venus) is associated with the Muses, the patrons of music , the arts, and different forms of storytelling such as poetry and plays.  It may come as no surprise to find close, positive contacts from Venus to the Rising Sign degree in Bonnie Raitt and Herman Melville’s charts. (His is a sextile from Venus –in-Cancer, hers a trine from Venus- in-Capricorn.) However, not all successful or creative Taurus Rising people will have an easy contact, or any contact at all from Venus to the Ascendant or First House planets.

One of the other creative examples has no close Venus contact, but does have a Pisces Moon and three other Water planets. Could you guess which one?  Can you guess which one has 3 Taurus planets, 2 Virgo planets, and Venus- in- Gemini in the First House? (Clue: as teenager, his progressed Ascendant aligned with his Natal Gemini Ruler, influencing his choice of profession.)

Questions 5-6, For Astrologers and Astrology Students:  The Transit Cycle:  Jupiter, the planet of generosity, “thinking big,” expanding and improving our lives through higher education, relocating and/or travel is now moving through Taurus (the First or Second Houses for people with this Ascendant.)

Do you think Taurus Rising people will invest as much in gilding the Mask (House 1) or in their business (House 2) as they did in past Jupiter cycles, which didn’t coincide with an economic Bust and a prolonged recovery? 

For those who don’t have Taurus Rising, is there a practical, common sense approach to the issues of the House that Jupiter is now transiting in your Natal chart?  (The House with Taurus on the cusp.)

Example: if Jupiter is passing through Taurus in your 4th. House, you may feel an impulse to expand, to sell your home and purchase a larger, more expensive house in a better neighborhood.  But is this really practical right now?  Older people may feel an impulse to sell their home and re-locate, retiring out-of-state. Regardless of our ages, if we cannot follow through on these Jupiter impulses now, can we think of alternative Jupiter/Fourth House options to pursue?


 Please read, “The Esoteric Ruler,” “The Second Half of Life” and “Progressions for Taurus Rising,” pp. 34-43.

      The Esoteric Ruler and  progressed cycle for Taurus Rising

The spiritual ruler of Taurus is Vulcan-Haephestus. Taurus Rising is usually content to “stay in the same place.” Maintaining the status quo is usually viewed as important to the Tauran sense of security.

Though Fixed Earth is the most Fixed of the 12 Rising Signs, a powerfully-placed Mars, several Fire Sun planets, or a Fire Sun Sign will contribute a sense of adventure. Air planets will provide a sense of wonder and curiosity; an impulse to keep learning as they grow older.

With Scorpio on the Seventh House Cusp, relationships put Taurus through many changes. Mars is one of the rulers of the marriage house cusp; an energetic Aries or Scorpio Sun Sign Spouse (Mars-Ruled person) will prod, stimulate, and challenge Taurus.

The biggest changes, though, seem to come from Haephestes’ alchemical forge, where Taurus Rising, the Irresistible Force, meets the Immovable Object. I understood this process much better after visiting Pompeii and observing the effects of the volcano.  I felt a greater sympathy for my Taurus Rising friends and clients.

After the Vulcan meltdown, awareness, growth, and openness to change come more easily. However, the Vulcan process may take years to assimilate.

Question 7: Contentment in the Second Half of Life.

Which of our examples said to D.H. Lawrence, “I’m content here at home in my job as a customs inspector; I have no desire to travel? (In spite of 3 Sagittarian planets in the 8th House.) In this person’s mid 70s, the progressed Ascendant  made two harmonious contacts: it aligned with Venus-in-Cancer and sextiled the Ascendant degree.  We can understand Taurus Rising’s contentment at home.

Question 8: Would we have Moby Dick, Anna Freud’s unique insights into child psychology, or Toni Morrison’s marvelous novels, had circumstances in the outer world not suddenly and dramatically changed around the authors? Suppose life had continued going along for them as they’d hoped and expected?

Questions 9-10, “The Times, They are a-Changin’.” At the end of the 20th Century, former president Clinton remarked that in the near future, Americans can expect to change careers at least once during the course of their lifetime, given globalization and rapid changes in the world economy.  For some professions, this prediction seems to be coming true already. This challenge was not welcomed as good news by Taurus Rising or other Fixed Sun and Rising Signs, who’d spent years acquiring, or “investing in” their credentials. (The Mutable reaction inclined towards, “oh, good. I’m already bored with what I’m doing.)  

Would it help career counselors and/or life coaches to know that every Fixed Ascendant progresses first through a Mutable Sign, then, later in life, through a Cardinal Sign? And more specifically, might this knowledge be useful if their client’s progressed Ascendant was about to change Signs/Elements/Modes, or contact a Natal planet?

Are the Fixed Rising Signs, especially Fixed Earth, likely to become “resources” in their community during the Cardinal Cycle?( Fixity has staying power; Taurus Rising tends to stay in the same community and/or remain in the same or a related field. Anna Freud was content in Vienna, and might have spent her entire life there, had the War not intervened.)


When you finish, please begin reading Gemini Rising, pp. 48-60.


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    • Wow, Emma, you're really putting in time and seem to be getting a lot out of this.

      Reflecting back on one of your earlier posts, about sliding scale therapy fees that enabled you to do your inner work at the time, I remembered something analyst Robert Johnson said at one of the weekends in Montecito, "some of the best sessions I've ever had with clients were grocery money sessions." He went on to explain this, (we must have had quizzical looks on our faces.) "I mean that the women who saved my fee out of their grocery money worked really hard during the hour and usually got more out of it than very affluent clients who had plenty of money for therapy."

      I thought of Earth SIgns at the time: frugal, yes, there are concerns about finances, but most are very hard workers who get results. It's the most productive Element.

      The combination of Mercury and Mars is exactly that, charismatic communication skill. I've seen this in Aries Rising clients in all sorts of occupations, from sales to the ministry to motivational speaking.  Many, like Lennon and Besant, are inspirational. Terry Cole-Whitaker (also in this chapter) is another example.

      The downside of the combination for Aries Rising is their fast-paced communicaton style often seems abrupt to others, Aries doesn't "suffer fools gladly" and sometimes values efficiency --getting on to the next task--over taking time to listen. Especially those who they think they're on a mission from God!  If you scan quickly thruogh the bios, you'll see a number of ministers.

      About Annie's greatest regret, I hope others will read the footnote, so I won't comment here.

      This may be one reason the alchemists put Spiritus mercurius in a sealed vial or bottle, symbolically isolating the fast-moving mind, then uncorking it to add the slowing Saturn ingredient and re-sealing. Some texts mentioned sulphur, others, lead. In other words, they slowed the racing mind. 

      Meditation or concentration techniques accomplish this by other means. Yoga, for instance, is about slowing "the thoughts in the racing mind;" that's the second sentence of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras He introduced the need to meditate right away.

      I really like the image from Jung's book on Alchemy, Mercury sealed in the vial. As a process, the inner alchemy seems similar to meditation.

      Mercury's metal is quicksilver. We can observe it moving up and down in the thermometer, for instance. This "volatile" spirit, as the alchemists call it, is a good symbol for the way the mind works. The tie-in with alchemy also helps us understand why Mercury rules two Mutable Signs, Virgo and Gemini. Alchemy is an effort to slow and "fix" Mercury (symbolizing the mind)  by symbolically working with its restless or volatile metal. 

      That question on the 7th House cusp progression was designed with the second progressed cycle in mind. (You began your first progressed Sign change earlier than most people,some won't be far enough into their second to really discuss it.) And for seminar participants to see for themselves how the two cycles work.

       Most people don't notice as many 7th House cusp changes on the first one--as you say, people come into our lives but we may not have enough in common with them for them to be around long, to have a real impact.It's very interesting that you found 7th House people people you met during the first progression hedonistic. Others with Earth Rising have said similar things about the Fire attributes of people met in this first progression.

      The Second progression, though,seems to coincide with people coming into our lives who are around longer.  It's more compatible with the Natal Ascendant and feels more familiar. It's  as if we feel, "this person will wear well." The person's arrival often coincides with the Mask establishing itself for the new cycle, as happened for you, marriage and family.

      I hope everyone following the discussion is gaining a sense of the Natal chart unfolding, or maturing, over time. Sometimes people mistakenly see it as a flat mandala.

      You also ask:

      "Are you saying the progressed 7th house cusp represents the energy of the people attracted to you at that time? Not what sun sign they will be as such though?"

      I'm saying their particular Sun Sign, Element, Mode, etc, will appeal more to you then than had you perhaps met the same person earlier in your life (? ) As we mature, our interests and our persona shifts a little, and  the 7th House cusp with it.  People have said in class, "why didn't I have any Capricorn friends before? Now I suddenly have 3 or 4 of them, met in the last 2 years?'" Things like that.

      But the Natal 7th House cusp is still there.  The progression develop from the Natal chart, it's more like the timing of our llives unfolding. Which is what makes it of interest to people in the second half of life, they have' a story, a narrative, to reflect upon.

      The questions are intended to stimulate discussion and demonstrate how the progressions work, so, please don't worry about getting them right!

      If any of this is unclear, please let me know.

    • I am with you Kathleen - thank you for your response :D It is very helpful to hear how you view my thoughts and I am feeling I am digesting it all much better now.. 

      Interesting you say about those paying less for therapy due to low income often seem to invest more - I often wondered that as I looked at the percetage of weekly income I was paying compared with those working in good jobs ( I was unemployed at the time though doing a lot of voluntary work) all adding up to the Taurus rising qualities you are talking about. :)

      I like your explainations of how alchemy comes into this too - fills in some gaps for me - thanks :D

      Yes I get about the 7th house progression too - it did happen to me - I had one or two capricorn sun friends and could see their earthy traits, but found them unstimulating, until my asc entered Cancer, then I am surrounded by them, married one (asc virgo), and generally fascenated with them - their stability no longer is something that seems trapping. 

      The Anne Besant regret - I yes I forgot to re-look as the note 13 didn't make sense. Now I have just found it - I think - it is footnote 9 in my kindle version she 'regretted the time spent in defending herself and in arguing" Sounds very mars like energy, that she wished she had followed the esoteric energy sooner perhaps - as she matured understanding the situation from many more viewpoints perhaps ( mercury seeing lots of sides of things, juggling) 

      Going to look at the treasure story next. :D 

      Thanks for all your help Kathleen - loving this..

    • Emma, thank you for your post.  I haven't tackled those questions yet, and what you say seemed spot on to me!

    • Thanks Jo :D

  • New beginnings are welcome. Interesting to know which Natal planet or point (Asc. Midheaven, Node, etc) it will contact first, setting the tone for the Solar cycle? Fire is so energizing!

  • Hi, group, hi, Kathleen...Kathleen, do you still use the name Nishta sometimes?  I had the good fortune to have you read for me between about 1979 and 1991 or 1992, and I can't help referring to you that way....

    So back to task:  Being a self taught astrologer in great part, studying progresssions of the Rising Sign opens up so much new material for me, I find myself pondering questions about my chart as well as those of family and clients. 

    For instance, a highly spiritual friend of mine is going through what might be termed a delayed mid-life crisis at 54. I ran her progressed Rising Sign yesterday and found it exactly conjunct natal Venus/Chiron in Aquarius.  This is not the first contact in this house made by the rising sign, but it could be the most difficult.  I suggested to her that her angst is related to some dramatic healing around her feminine self image. 


    I had understood earlier that the first contact pretty much set the tone for the entire 30 years, but this connection to natal planets further along in the house would indicate to me that we should be watching the progressed Rising Sign on a more continual basis.

    Also, I am wondering as the transit moves into place, when does one begin to feel the impact?  I suspect it's 1 or 2 degrees and not 5 - 7.  When do you think the connection begins to impact?  And how long does it last?  The progressed ascendant moves so slowly.


    My second question revolves around the esoteric rulers of the signs occupied by the progressed Ascendant.  I've never used them before and I'm intimating that they could have a tremendous effect on the person drawn to spiritual development.  In short, if one starts out with Virgo rising (as I did), the moon (esoteric ruler) could have had a big impact, especially if it is the focus of both a conjunction with Uranus, a T-square with Pluto and Saturn, and a yod from Sun and Jupiter. 


    I can see that these natal patterns would persist for the life time as a background to later progressions.  I am wondering if the esoteric ruler of Libra and its connections (Saturn) would become much more important for the progressed cycle through Libra.  And similarly, Mars, esoteric ruler of Scorpio and its connections, would come into its own during that sojourn...And then finally, Jupiter esoteric ruler of Sagitarius and its connections would become prominent as the rising sign entered Sag.






      I had wondered if you were the same Jo! I remember reading for you and your son. It's good to hear from you.


      Nishta (which means persevering) doesn't seem to fit the second half of life as well as it did the first, "striving" half. That and the fact that my students at the community college called me "Natasha," a bit confusing


      Is your "Chiron client" in a healing profession? If so, it's possible the persona will change to fit a new life direction, bu hard to say without seeing the whole horoscope. You may well be onto something with Venus involved.


      The progressed Asc should indeed be observed more closely as we grow older and there are more contacts. It's, of course, very important to make sure the person has give you accurate birth data.


      You're right, the esoteric rulers and their underlying themes are still there, and  also right that seekers tend to be more sensitive to them than others.  Yes, the Libra/Saturn Exaltation theme--the need for balance in life, for instance-- comes through the progression. The person would be challenged to rebalance the Scales, symbolically, depending on the Houses involved, one area of life balanced with another.

  • Leo, Fixed Fire.


    I love it; it has been nearly 15 years since my retirement, and I'm ready for a change.

  • Thank you for posting, Jo and Kathleen; you inspired me to look a little more closely at my progressed chart, and my Sun has progressed to the first degree of Leo.   Great! I'm looking forward to a change.


    I'm looking forward to hearing more of your exchange.



    • Thanks for joining us, Anne!  Perfect timing.Though the progressed Sun and Asc Signs remain the same for decades, every time I teach the class on progressions several people discover they were intuitively drawn to enroll just as a new cycle begins for them. I love the synchronicity.

      The progressed Sun is, of course, more goal and desire -oriented than the Ascendant, but most of what we've been discussing is applicable to you as well.

      In what Sign, Element and Mode is your new progressed Sun?

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