

Northampton, MA

Which of the following best describes your proposed membership status? If you are signing up with your first and last name, please choose "Individual." Please do NOT choose one of the other options unless you are creating a profile page with a business or organization name


What are your main areas of interest?

Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Transpersonal Psychology

If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?


If so, from what institution?

Columbia Pacific; postdoctoral fellow Harvard University (psychology and religion); diploma in Psychoanalysis from Westchester Institute.

Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?

Nationally certified psychoanalyst by National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis

Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?

My practice of psychoanalysis has always been integrative of the various traditions though foundational has been my initial work with the vast symbolic universe Jung realized. For me, this also has included two Jungian analyses. I also attended lectures and seminars with James Hillman. I was on the Board of the Jung Center of Pittsburgh and Director of their Educational Committee. Other psychoanalytic work includes 14 publications and numerous talks. I have taught psychoanalytic theory at the Westchester Ibstitute and am on the editorial boards of three journals. Most recently I edited a special issue of The Psychoanalytic Review devoted to Psychoanalysis in France. On another level of engagement I was a representative for an international organization at the United Nations. Throughout all of this I have had an abiding interest in alchemy, both its history and as a transformational process, as well as the work of Jacob Boehme and the subsequent traditions. In addition, I have had sustained devotion to spiritual practice, having taken tantric vows in the Vajrayana path and also am an oblate-monk at Shantivanam ashram in Tamil Nadu India. I look forward to participating in the offerings of the Alliance and the exchanges of the community.

Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?


What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?


If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here
