



Woodland Hills, CA

Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.

Woodland Hill, CA

What are your main areas of interest?

Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Transpersonal Psych

If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?

Other degree not listed here

Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?

I have read and studied every written work of Dr. Carl Jung except the Red Book. I hope to learn from others who have Jungian/Spiritual knowledge and have undertaken the journey into the unconscious . I hope to share my experiences when called upon to do so.

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  • Hi Melissa. Glad to have you here in  the Alliance. I'm sure you know you'll find many like-minded individuals in the community who are just like you--wanting to stay connected to the field and to meet new people who all have a common interest in sharing thoughts and ideas.

    I hope you'll jump in and engage with your peers by joining a discussion, commenting on others' posts, or posting some of your own work--or even something as simple as an article that has been meaningful to you. I'll send you some tips on navigating the site in a separate email in case its of help. Enjoy the site! Bonnie Bright, Founder

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