

Corvallis, OR

IF this membership is for an organization, publisher, or project, what is the first and last name of the contact person?

Silvana Espinoza

Which of the following best describes your proposed membership status? If you are signing up with your first and last name, please choose "Individual." Please do NOT choose one of the other options unless you are creating a profile page with a business or organization name


What are your main areas of interest?

Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Liberation Psychology, Dreamwork, Shamanism

If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?


Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?


Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?

Further my knowledge of depth psychology. Maybe make that part of niche in my practice in the future.