TheseWomen!> June 24-26
Santa Barbara, CA.
Call for Presentations NOW CLOSED!
Deadline for Submissions: Passed
These Women! An extraordinary weekend of dialogue,exploration, and dynamic conversation with the seminal voices whoselife work shaped and expanded the evolution of Depth, Archetypal,and Jungian psychology: Pat Berry, Lyn Cowan, Christine Downing,Nor Hall, Ginette Paris, Hendrika de Vries, Mary Watkins, andMarion Woodman.
Their writings and teachings unleashed our imaginations, steepedour lives in symbolic understanding and guided many of us intrusting our emerging feelings and knowings.
Please TYPE out the one-page Submission Form, SAVE a copy foryour files, email copy to Lori Pye: ""> will be sent a confirmation reply on your submission.Notifications will be announced April 15th, 2011. Thankyou and we look forward to having you join us for this historicalevent.
Guidelines for Presentation Submissions:
1. Each presentation must be aboutone of the women honorees who influenced yourthinking, research or life in a pivotal way.
2. Each presentation will be 10 minutesin length.
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