by V. Walter Odajnyk
Foreword by Thomas Moore
Publication Date Dec 10, 2011 - Advance Orders Welcomed. Also available from the Pacifica Graduate Institute Bookstore.
Originally published by Shambhala in 1993, Gathering the Light
Gathering the Light remains a groundbreaking work that integrates Jungian psychology, alchemy, and the practice of meditation. It is one of very few, if not the only Jungian book that demonstrates that the alchemical opus is not only an analogy of the individuation process, but also a depiction of various experiential stages encountered in the course of meditation.
Gathering the Light compares Western and Eastern images of the goal of alchemy and of meditation practice; it offers a psychological interpretation of the Zen Ox Herding pictures; it argues that in essence both psychological and spiritual development consists of the withdrawal of projections; and the appendix offers a critique of Wilber’s mistaken view of Jung’s conception of archetypes and provides a critical review of Thomas Cleary’s translation of The Secret of the Golden Flower.
About the Author
V. Walter Odajnyk, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst, and serves as a Core Faculty member and is the Research Coordinator for Pacifica Graduate Institute's Mythological Studies Program.
Product Details
* Paperback: 264 pages
* Publisher: Fisher King Press (Dec 2011)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1926715551
* ISBN-13: 978-1926715551

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