Here is a quote from Carl Jung on why people create "stone idols with human features":
“Very early in history men began trying to express what they felt to be the soul or spirit of a rock by working
Here is a quote from Carl Jung on why people create "stone idols with human features":
“Very early in history men began trying to express what they felt to be the soul or spirit of a rock by working
A quote from Carl Jung on the subject of "masks":
The persona, for Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual".
One wonders what Jung would have thought about the masks created by these veterans (see link below) as their intent in creating them was to reveal, rather than to conceal, aspects of their true natu
Addiction (of all kinds) has been described as “hell,” “possession,” and worse. The pattern of addiction is an archetype that has been around for millennia, but it certainly seems like our culture is more conducive to the iron grip of addiction in a multitude of ways including everything from the more traditional issues with alcohol, drugs, gambling, cigarettes, sex, food, or work, to new and emerging culturally supported issues like television, shopping, Internet, email, texting, social media,