Secret Order in Disorder...

This morning I came across a wonderful post on facebook Inner City Books site. It addressed the secret order in disorder. We all feel that disorder, if we are honest. If we are really honest, we listen to it. There's something to the disorder, all the chaos, the depletion, the crazy feelings.

The post from Inner City Books went like this, "When we look at our lives up close, it can seem that they are made up of one chaotic event after the other. But with the view of time, and certainly by examining dream images and looking at our lives through them, we can get a sense that there is a larger pattern trying to come to fruition in our life through its ups and downs. Since this pattern is not immediately obvious, and can often at best be merely intuited or inferred, Jung calls it transcendental, that is, beyond our normal capacity for direct perception. The story of our life does already exist in potential, and is pushing to come into being, through we only get glimpses of it bit by bit." (J. Gary Sparks : VALLEY OF DIAMONDS - Adventures in Number and Time with Marie-Louise von Franz)

It's quite relieving to realize that we can settle ourselves, listen to the chaos, feel it, and let it speak to us. It's best not to run from it, best not to medicate it (unless there is no other possibility lest we become unstable), best not to add to it by becoming more and more frantic. It's about the going through it, feeling, waiting, dreaming, letting life teach us about how we're off and how we can get ourselves and our life back in order.