John Van Eenwyk - Psychoid: The Chaotic Dynamics of Individuation

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John R. Van Eenwyk, Ph.D. - April 11, 2014 to the CG Jung Society, Seattle:"Psychoid: The Chaotic Dynamics of Individuation The Event Horizon of the Mind" (1 hour 38 mins)Jung referred to the realm of the psyche wherein mind and body overlap as psychoid. Today science expands our understanding of the psychoid realm, where mind and body influence and modify each other.Recent discoveries in genetics, microbiology and biochemistry have increased our understanding of the most basic dynamics of physical processes, especially those that influence how we perceive, process and respond to the world around us. Might those discoveries illuminate how ego and unconscious work together to further individuation?Tonight we'll explore how psyche and matter fold into one another. We'll review how the smallest molecules have enormous effects on us. We'll see how physical processes possess a consciousness greater than the ego's. Finally, we'll discover why so many psychotherapeutic techniques are doomed to failure.Dr. John R. Van Eenwyk is a Clinical Psychologist and Jungian Analyst in private practice, an ordained Priest in the Episcopal Church and a Clinical Instructor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He is the founder and Clinical Director of the International Trauma Treatment Program. The author of Archetypes and Strange Attractors: The Chaotic World of Symbols and Clinical Chaos: The Strange Attractors of Childhood Trauma, he publishes widely and lectures internationally on both Jungian psychology and the treatment of torture survivors.

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