New Genre of Literature: Part 2 of 3

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A study of an emerging "genre" of literature that gives form to an epochal transformation of consciousness, also known as "the end of the world".

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  • Hi Helena, thanks for your thoughts here. "Being led by what is coming in" is just the way I would put it, too. There is a lot going on, in literary criticism, philosophy, linguistics, etc. that shows that people are beginning to sense a real issue, an issue where something big is at stake. It sounds just like an academic problem for example when theorists wrestle the problematic of "reference" or speak about a tension between semiology and rhetoric, or fictional reality and its relation to empirical reality (or history), BUT they are sensing something, without having the benefit of the perspective of psyche (which is just about erased in academic circles now, Pacifica et al notwithstanding). But if you do bring a soul perspective to these formulations you have to ask what soul movement lies "behind" or "reflected within" these "language' problems that others are increasingly gripped by in the humanities. As you say, what is this 'other' that is leading us in "the way it wishes"? The emerging genre of literature I refer to is trying "speak" this new soul moment into actuality (i.e. not speak about it, like academics, but speak it as it wants to speak. That means the kind of willed surrender Jung did in his Red Book, etc. A long story but if you are interested, my article on the Red Book is available:, called "The Hidden Legacy of the Red Book."

    All the best for now, John

    John C Woodcock - is a place to share and follow research.
  • Fascinating. I sense this too, the new genre, or the emerging one. And it is as if one is being led by what is coming in to experience or  explore it further in precisely the way that it wishes, so that old, previous predilections lie strewn by the wayside, the path one is on, like dead leaves.

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