The Empathic Civilisation by Jeremy Rifkin
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This video may also be of interest:
After viewing it, I asked the question:
"What are the implications of mirror neurons vis-à-vis the countless acts of violence many of us witness daily on our TV and film screens? Is it possible that an overload of such images would "deactivate" our mirror neurons and deaden our inherent capacity for empathy?"
Hi Jamie: Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with Mind Mapping--a very creative process. For this video, I agree with John: I really like both the content and the presentation style--both engaging and illuminating.
Hey John: I just read an article about how elephants suffer from PTSD for years after a traumatic event just like humans- very interesting, and my first thought was "Why WOULDN'T they?"... I think its connected...
Great video, not only for the content but also for the way it's presented.
I read somewhere that animals that are the most self-aware are also the most empathetic.
Thanks for sharing this Bonnie....