• Sep 29, 2019 from 9:00am to 11:00am PDT
  • Location: St. Wilfrid of York Episcopal Church
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Based on her book, The Soul’s Ministrations: An Imaginal Journey through Crisis(Chiron, 2012), Dr. Tauber will introduce her particular way of painting — a “soul-making” in the face of acute loss of soul.  It may be regarded as an example of Jung’s process of active imagination. Contemplating the symbolism in the series of the seventeen paintings depicted in the book, the focus will be on the archetypal divine feminine. 

Marianne Tauber, LMFT, earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Born and raised in Switzerland, she married into a family that had experienced a deep and enduring friendship with C.G. Jung, starting in the late 1940s. For some years now, Dr. Tauber has been working on the translation of her mother-in-law’s journal that chronicles her encounters with Jung.

Course objectives:

  • Become familiar with the basic tenets of Jung’s process of “active imagination”
  • Explore how active imagination can activate and respond to the energetic field of “soul,” as observed in synchronistic events.
  • Better understand the archetypal divine feminine

The C.G. Jung Club of Orange County

 The C.G. Jung Club of Orange County provides quality educational programs designed to promote the study and discussion of Jungian Psychology, also known as Depth Psychology.  The programs elaborate and amplify the ideas of C.G. Jung by exploring diverse perspectives of Jungian Psychology, as well as a wide range of subjects studied by Jung and his followers, such as mythology and comparative religion.  We seek to understand the human psyche through the psychological theories and therapeutic methods pioneered by C.G. Jung and the current use of Jungian concepts by contemporary Jungian analysts.

 The programs are directed toward the interests of mental health practitioners, individuals from related disciplines, and the general public.  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers, Professional Clinical Counselors, and Educational Psychologists can gain from our programs a deeper understanding of psychological theory and/or clinical practice from a Depth Psychology/Jungian perspective.

For more information, see https://www.junginoc.org/2019-09-29-tauber

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