• Oct 9, 2022 at 9:00am PDT
  • Location: Online
  • Latest Activity: Jul 3, 2022

Sundays beginning Oct. 9

10 am - 12 pm Pacific / 1-3 pm Eastern
6 weeks

All sessions will be video recorded for registered guests.


Alchemy has become a buzzword in today’s world. Unfortunately, the more it’s used, the more it muddles the exceptional nature of this Royal Art and its secrets for living a genuine and meaningful life.  In this new series, we use the term in its original meaning, as a way of quickening and catalyzing our individual growth in all aspects of mind, body, and spirit. The concepts presented grew out of the work of C. G. Jung and provide us with an extraordinary framework to help us navigate the challenging and unprecedented dynamics of modern life. 

This six-part series focuses on transforming our dark, hidden potential into a perfected personality – the full and unique expression of who we are meant to be. We do this by employing the stages, recipes, and operations of alchemy as well as tapping into our inner resources, including dreams, synchronicities, and the archetypal gods. We’ll do a deep dive into ancient Egyptian as well as modern forms of alchemy, tracing the development of personal and collective consciousness from magic to contemporary science. By harnessing the power of alchemy, we create extraordinary, personalized maps and tools to facilitate our unique individuation journey.  The history of our future self is about rebuilding an enchanted world that returns the animating soul into our busy lives.

REGISTER / MORE INFO: https://www.jungarchademy.com/cavallialchemy

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychotherapist, author and coach who provides services throughout the world. He has authored two major books, Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes for Living in a New World (Putnam 2002) and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation (Quest 2010) as well as many articles in Psychological Perspectives and The Alchemical Journal. He is a yearly contributor of book reviews and film criticism for The Jung Journal. He gives a wide range of workshops and seminars at Jungian Institutes, mystery schools, and conferences.

His website is: AlchemicalWorks.com

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