Looking for the REPLAY of Focus or Fire?—the post-election event by Kim Hermanson from Tuesday, November 15? Click here
This live community conversation will seek to hold space for the sharing of dreams and images in order to explore the role of community in uncertain times.
This event will be led by Depth Psychology Alliance board members, Eva Rider, MA, and Donna May, MA, both experienced therapists and dream workers. Emphasis will be on creating and maintaining a container for witnessing and holding what arises in this transformational work.
Note: In order to protect the container so participants can feel comfortable sharing, we do not currently plan to record this event for public replay. If you are interested but can not attend this event due to scheduling, please email us and we may consider hosting a similar event in the future at a different time.
This is a free gathering for those interested in sharing healing space together. Access information will be emailed to you upon registration.
Eva Rider MA, LMFT, is a Jungian depth psychotherapist, workshop leader and lecturer. She holds a BA in History from McGill University and an M.A. in Psychology from John F. Kennedy University, where she taught as adjunct instructor. Eva is a graduate of the Marion Woodman BodySoul Rhythms™ Leadership Training, a certified hypnotherapist, and dreamwork teacher, exploring personal and archetypal dream processes using fairy tale, myth, music, art, poetry and movement. Eva’s passion is a journey of unveiling the feminine through correspondences between Jungian theory, alchemy and Psyche/Soma as revealed through the glyph of the Hermetic Tree of Life. She can be reached at www.reclaimingsoul.com
Donna May, MA, LMFT is a therapist, consultant, educator and author of the upcoming book Psyche’s Call: Putting the Soul Back into Psychology. She is an adjunct faculty member at College of the Siskiyous, where she has taught courses in dreams, life story writing and human services. Donna graduated from Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she studied counseling psychology with a specialization in depth psychology. She has conducted classes, groups and workshops on writing and story for over twenty years. She also has extensive training in dreams, and dreams, writing, art, and active imagination are key elements in the work that she does with others. Donna lives is beautiful Etna, CA with her husband Bruce and their three dogs and three cats, where she loves to read, write, walk and explore the wild nature all around. Donna can be reached via her website: www.psychescall.com
A message of gratitude sent following our community gathering today--Eva Rider, Donna May, Bonnie Bright, and ALL who shared so Fully during our Community Conversation,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
The Circle that was Created with such Loving, Tender Care was by far one of the most Meaningful, Profound experiences that I have been called to attend.
I had tears well up many times during our gathering and the tears were rolllng down my face when I had to leave—and believe me I didn’t want to leave!
As I wrote, if at any time you need my help hosting another community gathering please let me know. An offer.
I”m filled with Grace. Our gathering will undoubtedly spill out into the World in ways imagined and as yet unimagined.
Lets continue to Imagine, Dream, Play, and Create Together!
With Love, Mary Alice
Creator of Play=Peace
this seems relevant - from George Monbiot in UK Guardian newspaper:
If there is an irrepressible human trait, it’s the determination, against all odds, to reconnect. Though governments seek to atomise and rule, we will keep finding ways to come together. Our social brains forbid any other outcome. They urge us to reach out, even when the world seems hostile.
Hi everyone: Sharing an inspiring poem from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, posted on Depth Alliance for the community by Jungian analyst and Alliance member, Mary Alice Long. Thank you, Mary Alice! This is so relevant right now
See the post/poem here
Hey there, Donna! Looking forward to being in your loving and supportive space again. These are hard times. It'll be good to be in the company of others searching for the buoyancy of community.