There are those moments when we pause and reflect on our life and begin to ask what is perhaps the most meaningful of questions: "Have we lived the life we are meant to live"? In facing the reality that has become our life, as we look at the life we were given, the circumstances of our childhood, those inborn gifts, and challenges, and then our life as an adult; aging, and moving on towards the inevitable, or perhaps towards the ineffable, that we realize there is now less time, fewer opportunities to make this the life we were meant to live.
The traumas we have faced, co-mingle with our gifts, and ultimately it is our life's work to create this distillation of destiny, and learn to live with, and if possible to integrate all that has been part of this journey.
It was the wisdom of Jung and the wise ones coming before him, who taught us that this journey required more than a personal approach towards what we wanted out of life, and doing life as we wanted to, but rather Psyche has a life awaiting each and every one of us. To live the journey of a life lived in accordance to these eternal, archetypal and spiritual ways, we begin to realize that life also involves a relationship to humanities life- to come to see the footprints of the divine etched into the sand, into our path. Here we understand that our life is embraced within a much grander life, one that has guided humanity from the beginning of time.
Our myths, fairy tales, and wisdom stories serve as a repository for psyches wisdom, teaching us of the portals we inevitably encounter as we move through life, and the archetypal challenges and mandates awaiting us at the door of each of these thresholds.
With the help of an esteemed and truly gifted faculty, we will look at the archetypal nature of this journey and come to know more of the innate and inherent challenges that we are asked to live with, and the symbols and traditions of each and every step we take towards this greater life, and towards what we hope will be a fulfilling of our destiny.
Speakers: Michael Conforti, Gilda Frantz, John Peck, Patricia Donleavy
We hope you will join us on Ender's Island, a beautiful oceanside retreat, for a weekend rich in scholarship, inspiration, artistic engagement and transformative learning.
Conference Tuition: $325.00
Please mention you heard it on Depth Psychology Alliance for a 10% discount
CALL TODAY TO REGISTER! (802) 254-6220
CE Credits Available