• Jul 30, 2015 from 11:00am to 12:00pm PDT
  • Location: "online or on the phone — Time Zone is PDT"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

CEUs available for listening in to this event! Details in the Comments section below!


By phone: 425-440-5100, Conf ID 874114#
By web call: http://instantteleseminar.com/Connect/?pin=874114

(Most computers have a microphone built in, but you don't need one if you just want to listen in;

We recommend you use earphones if you want to listen and talk by computer--otherwise there may be echo on the line. If you don't have a microphone built into your computer, but you want to join the conversation, consider joining by phone instead)

In this final week in the current series: Kim Hermanson, PhD shares how the language of metaphor can provide a direct doorway to powerful transformation. Kim is the founder of Doorway Sessions for creative breakthroughs, adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and the author of Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination.


It’s always dinnertime somewhere! Everyone welcome either session, all time zones!

This event provides an opportunity for everyone interested in depth psychology to get exposure to new information & depth discussions with experts, and also to connect with likeminded peers in more personable ways beyond the web site alone. 

Listen in to the presentation (approx 30 mins); then stay on the line for the remainder of the hour for an open forum to discuss what you heard with your peers. There will also be a live text chat available on Depth Psychology Alliance, which you can use anytime during the entire hour. (Look for the Chat link in the top menu). (The live conversation or written chat may occasionally be recorded).
Once the presenters finish, anyone is welcome to comment, share, etc. Just hit *7 to unmute when you want to talk, THEN *6 to MUTE yourself again.

First airs (with a chance to discuss/connect after) on
WEDNESDAY, July 29, at 6pm U.S. PACIFIC Time
Airs again (with a chance to discuss/connect after) on THURSDAY, July 30, at 6pm U.S. EASTERN TIME

4 WAYS TO LISTEN and CONVERSE AFTER the DEPTH DISCUSSION between Bonnie Bright & Hadley Fitzgerald
1. By PHONE (Listen & Talk)
2. By SKYPE (Listen & Talk)
3. By Web CALL (Listen & Talk)

We hope you will take advantage of this new container for connection with likeminded others from around the world

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of Depth Psychology Alliance to add comments!

Join Depth Psychology Alliance


  • Aleksander "knocking on open doors...folks in Marin County next level of hippies???...dedicate your attendance [in this healing metaphoric spiritual event]...to a fellow human being  who will be murdered???...sharing your nausea???...and closing with a link about the "f" mess of the world??? - which particular post and how does this link relate to this event right now? 

    By not being able to simply be in those experiential moments with us and perhaps commented about your thoughts and feelings listening to that content revealed... and in light of your post-event comments; I'm now totally frustrated with your off-topic contaminating comments detracting from attempts to share deeply in Kim's offering, precious + limited time event, holding places + creating non-locality...sacred...utilizing healing metaphors into healing spaces.

    This saddens me, Linda

  • I experience the bridge you built and continue to build between dimensions. The gateway of beauty and gentleness, expansiveness are so inviting and expansive! Thank you!

  • Bonnie, where is the chat for this?  Top menu where??

  • It's likely (I might be wrong) that I'm knocking on an open door with this one (I've heard that the folks from the Marin County are the next level of hippies). I shall not talk about it into the microphone, but I still want to dedicate my attendance to a fellow human being who will be murdered (imagination gone astray) today in Iraq, Syria, or Eastern Ukraine. A Sunni Muslim is my brother regardless of what some "leader" thinks about it. I won't be with him when that happens, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't matter to me.

    Before I vomit, I'll finish this comment with a link (profanity alert): https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120122120436AA7kwIx

  • The Access info (by phone or Internet) for the event is listed at the top of the page.

    If you would like to connect to the session using Skype, here's how:

    Add the contact "Join.Conference" to your contact list, or dial "Join.Conference" directly. No country designation is required. 

    Once the call is connected, show the virtual dial pad to enter your host or guest pin code. The dial pad button usually looks like a picture of 9 small dots, depending on your version of Skype. 

    Once the dial pad is open, click the PIN numbers with your mouse, or use your keyboard. If the system does not recognize the dial tone commands, you may need to sign out of Skype, and then sign back in and try the call again. See the Skype Instructions Link for detailed instructions: http://instantteleseminar.com/Skype/

  • Breaking news: CEUs will be offered for listening in to this event by Kim Hermanson, PhD, CEU provider #1574. This lecture meets the qualifications for 1 hour of continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

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