• May 7, 2014 from 10:00am to 11:15am PDT
  • Location: Teleclass. Email kim.hermanson@gmail.com to register and get call-in information.
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Wed May 7th, 5 - 6:15 PM PACIFIC time zone, PST

Email kim.hermanson@gmail.com to register.

Whether we're conscious of it or not, we hold metaphorical views of all of our significant relationships. The relationship may feel "light" or "mucky" or "confusing," we may feel loved by the person, or feel like we're in a "battle." Whatever 'felt sense' we have about it evokes a primary metaphor. In Doorway Sessions we tap into this metaphorical terrain and open up space... for new metaphoric images from your soul that are life-giving and expansive.

Healing metaphors are discovered, not manufactured. During this teleclass I will be working individually with people, and everyone on the call should be able to feel the shifts happen as they occur. It's one thing to talk about the power of metaphor, it's quite another to feel the energy of it yourself. My intent is for you to have an experience of metaphor helping you with an issue in your own life.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_lduHUdx8I


Kim Hermanson, Ph.D. serves as adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, has led workshops at Esalen Institute, and is the author of Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination and Sky's the Limit: The Art of Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey. She has co-authored articles on learning and the creative process with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.

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  • STARTING NOW  This Free "Engaging the Power of Metaphor" Tele-class with Kim Hermanson PhD.

  • Hi Colette!

    Sorry about that… I didn't see a way to specify the time zone. It is Pacific time, PST. I normally make a recording. If you send me an email to remind me, I'd be happy to send you a way to listen. My email is kim.hermanson@gmail.com.

     Thanks for your interest! 

  •  I would love to particitate in your Seminar on May 7th but do not see a time zone.  Perhaps it is Pacifica time, it will be 6am where I am.  Will ther be any opportunity to hear a re-play for us "foreigners"?

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