• Feb 10, 2017 from 11:00am to 1:00pm PST
  • Location: Hosted by Pary Shaban, Ketab Corp., Persian Bookstore in West L.A.
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Our need to connect to the sacred can be satisfied using an approach based on depth psychology, especially the work of C. G. Jung. This approach is based on personal experience of the sacred dimension, which is synonymous with the archetypal levels of the psyche.

Jung’s work on religion and spirituality gives us a new vocabulary for describing sacred experience, and allows us to express its contemporary manifestations in ways that have not previously been possible. The depth psychological approach also describes the emergence of a new God-image from the depth of the psyche. This new form of spirituality is now evolving alongside our existing spiritual traditions. It allows us to articulate traditional spiritual ideas using psychological language.

Our lectures will be offered in a series of 3.  Fee for each Lecture: $50

Student/ Intern Discount: $45

Please register online.  Email registration questions to: ScholarsofTheSacred@gmail.com

Learn more in and sign up for our Newsletter: 

Psyche & the Sacred Newsletter: Winter 2017 Lectures and Seminars from PSCC

Friday night lectures precede our 2-day small group weekend seminars with Dr. Corbett.

Our first three lectures in 2017 will be

• Lecture 1, February 10: The Religious Function of the Psyche, Jung’s Approach to Spirituality

• Lecture 2, March 3: The Problem of Suffering: A Depth Psychological Approach

• Lecture 3, April 7: Forgiveness: A Depth Psychological Approach

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