• Mar 3, 2017 from 11:00am to 1:00pm PST
  • Location: Hosted by Pary Shaban, Ketab Corp., Persian Bookstore in West L.A.
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Suffering has been perceived as purely destructive, random, and meaningless.  In this lecture, Dr. Lionel Corbett illuminates the purpose, meaning, and transformational potential of suffering with profound sensitivity and compassion.  He explores growth that can evolve from suffering, including empathy for others, wisdom, and spiritual development.  This Psyche and The Sacred lecture discusses spiritual, philosophical, and personal understandings of suffering and the human spirit from a depth psychological approach.

 The mission of Psyche and The Sacred: A Contemplative Community is to foster and disseminate a depth psychological approach to spirituality through personal experience, training, and publications.  We offer psychologically oriented approaches to spirituality, including dreamwork and a discussion of numinous experiences.

Learn more in and sign up for our Newsletter: 

Psyche & the Sacred Newsletter: Winter 2017 Lectures and Seminars from PSCC

Our lectures will be offered in a series of 3.  Fee for each Lecture: $50

Student/ Intern Discount: $45

Please register online.  Email registration questions to: ScholarsofTheSacred@gmail.com

Friday night lectures precede our 2-day small group weekend seminars with Dr. Corbett.

Our first three lectures in 2017 will be

• Lecture 1, February 10: The Religious Function of the Psyche, Jung’s Approach to Spirituality

• Lecture 2, March 3: The Problem of Suffering: A Depth Psychological Approach

• Lecture 3, April 7: Forgiveness: A Depth Psychological Approach


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